Ch.16 Trust and Love

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  Crawling out of the big empty bed, (Y/N) stretched with a yawn. 'I guess the boys went to work and school again as usual. What did I normally do before when they went to school and work?' She scratched her head. All she can remember is a life with them and how nice it was. She couldn't remember family or friends before them, just them. The sweet kisses, the cuddles, laughter at the dinner table, the way they made sweet love to her, and the way they cared for her.

  Making her way down to the kitchen to get a glass of water, she noticed a door was open. The door at the back of the kitchen. It was always locked, she had asked the men about it before, but they told her it was just an old room that was rotting in. It wasn't opened all the way, just very slightly. A cold breeze could be felt coming from the room, making the girl shiver. Something about that room made her shiver, her stomach turn, and fear run through her body. 

   She walked over to the door and grasped the cold doorknob. Glancing at the clock and seeing it was only ten in the morning, turning her attention back to the door. 'It's just a room that's falling in. I shouldn't worry about it, just shut the door.' She told herself over and over again. 'Just shut the door. Just shut the door.' The fear making her heart race faster, her throat felt like it was trying to close. Why was she so afraid of an old room? 

  Gripping the knob, her body moved on its own, opening the door to look inside. It was dark, pitch black. Feeling around on the wall for a light switch, flipping it up when she found it. A chair. A wooden chair, chains draped on it, white walls, and the slight smell of bleach. Another door on the other side of the room, it seemed to be calling her name. She walked across the room with heavy legs, each step made her intuition scream to run away. Reaching the door and slowly opening it to reveal items. Whips, a blindfold, a gag, and other items she wasn't for sure what they were. After a few moments of examining the items, she closed the door. 'Someone is kinky.' She chuckled nervously, trying to calm her nerves. 'They would never hurt me anyways. How could they when they saved me from the black masked men.' 

  She turned off the light and closed the door behind her. It was now eleven in the morning, and she was starving. Quickly making a bowl of cereal and cleaning up, she went on with her daily chores. Making the beds, laundry, cleaning, and prepping for dinner. 

   She decided to put away the guy's clothes, do something a little different and special today. Besides, today would mark two years of being with them. She was humming her favorite song as she walked to Megumi's room first. Opening drawers and placing clothes in drawers, closing them with a soft thump. Something caught her eye as she closed a drawer, a picture had fallen to the floor. Picking it up to set it on his dresser when she froze staring at the picture. It was her on a bed sleeping, but she didn't recognize the bed. It wasn't the someone she slept on now, nor was it any of the other beds in the house. 

  She hid the picture back under the drawer hoping it would be exactly how he left it. Quickly walking into the next room, then the next. Finally searching all the rooms including hers, she found more photos of her. She sat on the couch curled up, lost in a deep thought about all the photos. All of her, some of her laughing with people, her running in a forest, sleeping, and some of her naked. 'Why do they have they have those pictures? They said they didn't know who I was before I lost my memories.' She ran her fingers through her hair and tugged as she stressed. 'They wouldn't lie to me. They love me.'

  Jumping up from the couch, shaking her head as the lock clicked on the front door and the boys came walking in. "Hey (Y/N)!" They smile sweetly at the girl. 'They must have a reason to hide my past. I trust them.' She walked over giving them each a kiss and a hug.

  "I hope you guys are hungry! Dinner is almost done!" She said loudly for them to hear. They sat around the table eating and laughing as they talked about their day. 'I love them so much. They would never hurt me.' She smiled at them, and they helped clean up from dinner. A cuddle pile in the living room floor as they watched (Y/N)'s favorite show. Toge resting in between her legs, his head on her stomach as she ran her fingers through his hair with her right hand. Her Left hand playing with Yuji's hair as his head rested on her chest, his hand on the top part of her thigh. She blushes slightly as she felt Sukuna kiss her thigh every so often. Her head resting on Nanami's shoulder and Gojo laying his head on her shoulder. Gojo rubbed small circles in the small of her back with his thumb.

  Nothing could make her hate these guys. Nothing. 

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