Ch.6 Close

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   It's been a couple months now and (Y/n) is comfortable being here. She goes on morning runs in the woods at three in the morning. Always to the same sweet spot with the beautiful pond. This morning was no different than the rest. The cold winter morning air nipping at her nose and cheeks. Music playing in her headphones and branches crunching under her feet. She got curious and explored more in the deep woods to learn the surrounding area. She could now enter and exit knowing where she would come out at. 

   'It's colder this morning. I might run to the pond and come back. Gosh, my lungs hurt this morning.' She could see the opening coming into view. Emerging into the opening, (Y/n) looks around and slows down as she gets closer to the pond. 'Who is that?' Slowly approaching the pond, she sees a dark-haired male. His hair seems to be in a messy ponytail, but closer looking she notices that only half of his hair is up. His back is to her and standing across the pond from her. Slowly taking out her headphones, she doesn't take her eyes off of him. She's never seen him before. 

  "Hello, (Y/n). I didn't think you'd come for a run this morning since it's so cold." He said with his back still to the girl. "Who are you?" The girl said, fully alert and ready to run. "I'm sorry. That was a bit odd coming from a stranger." He chuckled softly. "My name is Suguru Geto. You can call me Geto." He finally turned around for the girl to see his face. "How did you know my name and that I go running every morning? Have you been watching me, Perv?" (Y/n) was standing still as the wind blew her hair in her ponytail. She flinched slightly as the guy laughed. "First off, I'm not a perv, nor have I been watching you. I'll reveal that information later." He smiled at the girl and started to walk around the pond to the girl. "Stop! Don't come any closer. We can talk at this distance." (Y/n) demanded while staring the guy down. He stopped and stared at her, "Very well. I know your name because someone has been watching you and keeping a very close eye on you." "Who?" (Y/n) demanded at the male who was now at the side of the pond. "Someone very close to you and that's all I'm going to say." Geto took a step forward threatening to walk closer to her. "I told you to stop and not come any closer." (Y/n) said as she took a step back. 'If he takes another step I'm running. Everything in me is screaming to go.' 

  It happened so fast, she was shocked by how fast it was. Geto, who was a good distance away, is now standing in front of her. Leaning over face to face with the small girl. "I just wanted a closer look at why he is so obsessed with you. I had to come see for myself." (Y/n) was froze to the ground. She wanted to move but her body couldn't move. Geto leaned closer and a smirk on his face appeared. "I now see why. You are a looker." Her skin crawled as she felt his eyes examine her from head to toe. They lingered in some areas and she wanted to punch him in the jaw. "W-Who are you talking about?" (Y/n) wanted to sound brave and not let him know she was shaking from fear and not the cold air. Geto only smiled and stepped back, turned around and started to leave. "I'll answer that when we meet next time." With a slight wave, he was gone. Out of sight and left no trace. 'What the fuck?! Next time we meet? I hope to never see him again. Something about him is off.' 

    Drying off from her warm shower, she still couldn't shake his words off. 'Someone close to me? They are obsessed and they have been talking to him about me? I still don't want to meet him again. At least not alone.' Shaking her head as she was finally dried and dressed ready for the day. Stepping out of her dorm doors she saw Nobara waiting with a smile on her face. "Goodmorning, (Y/n)!" The girl said with a smile on her face. "Goodmorning Nobara! Ready to go eat and meet up with the guys?" "I'm ready to eat." Nobara laughed and made (Y/n) smile. "Let's go then."

    'That idiot! He should be happy she's not acting different.' The man sighed as he watched Nobara and (Y/n) talk like they always did. He shook his head and looked back at the girls as they walked away. 'Anyways, it's almost time for us to take action. Only a few more days and our dear (Y/n) will be looking only at us.' Shoving his hands into his pockets, turning around to walk away. 'See you soon, doll face.'

      Hey guys! Sorry this one was posted late and it's short. I try to post at least two or three chapters a week. I work the weekends and school during the week, but I'll try to post more in the up coming weeks. Thanks for reading!


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