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LITTLE [NAME]'S body tripped on a rock as she fell to the ground with an 'urgh

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LITTLE [NAME]'S body tripped on a rock as she fell to the ground with an 'urgh.' she clenched the variety of flowers in her hand. she pushed herself off the ground and plopped down on the ground, her hair was now in disarray as her face was covered in soot. [name] sleepily looked down at her hands to make sure the flowers were alright from the fall, and they were.

she looked into the distance blankly. 'what was [name] supposed to do again?' she pondered quietly as she tilted her head. she sat on the ground, contemplating what she was supposed to do. 'oh yeah! [name] was supposed to bring mommy a mother's day gift,' she remembered with a toothy grin.

[name] stood up from the ground and scampered away, making her way to the hut that her family resided in. she tripped on a wooden root, making her stumble in her tracks, but she paid no attention to it and continued scampering towards the hut.

the medium-sized hut came into her point of view and she beamed greatly at the sight of it. she quickly entered the hut, only to be met by no one. she hummed silently as she closed the door. [name] made her way towards the bedroom and stroked her dirty small hands on her purple kimono.

she knocked on the door politely– but eagerly and waited for her parent's response. a smile was present on her lips and she bounced excitedly for her mother's reaction. the sliding door slid open and a lanky figure was towering over the young child. "mommy!" [name] exclaimed brightly at the brunette woman.

the brunette noticed just how disarray her child looked and she immediately kneeled down worriedly, still wearing her iconic white lab coat. "darling, where have you been?" she asked worriedly as she reached in her pocket to pull out a cloth, she wiped [name]'s dirty face gingerly. "[n-name]," [name] stuttered meekly with a small blush forming on her [s/c] skin.

"f-for you, mommy, [name] picked it up from the forest," [name] blushed silently. "oh?" the brunette was taken aback by the child's response. "happy mother's day, mommy, you're the best mom in the world, and [name] loves you very much," [name] chirped as her cheeks reddened even more. the kneeling woman smiled warmly at her adorable meek child, before she leaned in to peck [name]'s forehead gently, tucking a strand of her [h/c] hair behind her ear. "mommy loves you more, darling," she whispered tenderly.

[name] brimmed in joy as she gave her mother a toothy grin, before offering the 'bouquet,' of flowers to her mother. her mother smiled and accepted the flowers in content. the woman then looked in horror as she remembered something important. "shoot!" she exclaimed, cursing mentally to herself. "mommy has a patient to tend to, do you want to come with mommy?" the lanky woman asked with a smile. [name] brimmed in even more joy. "[name] c-can? i haven't ever come with mommy to work!" [name] said happily. "of course! i wanna come!" [name] exclaimed with merriment. "alright, then, let's get you cleaned up," her mother said with a soft smile.

 "alright, then, let's get you cleaned up," her mother said with a soft smile

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