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"MY, MY [NAME]. the flowers you gave me are beautiful, i'm very grateful for it.." yuki commented while doing [name]'s hair, making her all dolled up.

"there, you're done! let's go down, we don't want to be late for work," yuki said with a small smile on her face while [name]'s small hands were holding the brunette's slightly larger hands tightly.

'i wonder what mommy's work is like?' [name] thought to herself as she walked alongside her mother to her hospital. both of her parents were outstanding doctors, they were also very well known in their small village.

"come here [name], put your mask on. we dont want you getting sick, don't we?" the brunette asked with a smile on her face, while [name] nodded her head sideways profusely as an answer.

as they both entered, a large line of patients were awaiting yuki. "oh my.. looks like i'll be extra busy today, hm?" she mumbled while entering her office. her office was nice and clean with everything neatly organized. a ravenette entered the room as he gazed at yuki. "morning kumiko-san, please call in the first patient," yuki greeted the younger nurse politely as she casted a pile of papers away. "good morning, doctor yuki, of course," the ravenette bowed as he stuck half of his body out of the wooden doors. "mr. haru! mr. tamako haru! please come in!" hiroto exclaimed.

"mommy, [name] is confused," [name] said as she tried to climb up a seat that was taller than her. yuki glanced at her before slipping her hands under her arms, hoisting her up before placing the tiny child on the chair. "what's wrong darling?" yuki asked as she tucked a strand of luscious [h/c] locks behind the child's ear. "why is the guy shouting so loudly?" [name] asked as yuki patted her head gently. "well, it's a nurse's job to call in the patients, dear," yuki explained.

"oh, [name] understands now," [name] chirped happily. "good," yuki smiled down at her daughter. "here, i actually have some dolls for children who visit the hospital, would you like a doll?" yuki questioned. [name] beamed, she loved dolls! "[name] loves dolls!" [name] exclaimed brightly. yuki chuckled silently before opening a drawer, pulling out a bunny doll. "here is for you, [name]," yuki said as she gave the doll to her. [name] bounced excitedly in her seat as she took it in her grasp impatiently and hugged it tightly in her small arms. "thank you mommy!" she beamed brightly.

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