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[NAME] STARTED sprinting away as fast as she could as she held the white bunny in her hands tightly, trying to make out an escape from the malicious demon who was preying on her

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[NAME] STARTED sprinting away as fast as she could as she held the white bunny in her hands tightly, trying to make out an escape from the malicious demon who was preying on her. the demon immediately leapt after her, galloping through the forest as the small child was impressively fast despite her weakened state.

the demon leapt and tackled her to the ground as she let out a small grunt. she looked up at the demon as tears of fear and horror trickled from her [e/c] eyes– but of course, [name] being [name] would not allow this to end without a fight. [name] grabbed a strand of his black hair before yanking it with all her might, the demon screeched as she managed to rip off a lock of his hair.

"you little annoying bastard!" the demon yelled as he slashed her small form with his sharp and fierce claws. blood drew as it glistened under the moonlight. the small child screeched loudly out of misery and pain before she threw her fist and it managed to land on his face, enough to nearly break his nose. the demon stopped attacking her as a dawn of wonder awoke from his emotions. "what the–" he mentioned silently. 'this child– can fight back,' he thought thoughtfully as little [name] kept on screeching and punching him weakly– which obviously did absolutely nothing towards his more superior being.

this was the first moment that a demon felt remorse and he sympathized for the small child, he couldn't believe it, but he was going to let this small child go. he felt shame tinting and gripping his cold heart, but he pushed it all aside as a pool of remorse drenched his heart, he was feeling odd and mixed feelings.

"you're lucky i had already eaten," he said as he used a single hand to pin her down roughly to the ground. "oof," the small child grunted at the sudden force. that was a lie. he hadn't eaten a single human since yesterday. "you've got some potential," he huffed before lifting his hand, he stood up and disappeared into the forest.

the light blizzard had shifted itself into a strong one. the lashing wind rolled over [name]'s face as the cold settled in, her shiverings turned into intense shudders as her eyes slowly fluttered shut, with the rabbit in her hands, she hugged it tightly, yearning to be saved. "someone please save.. [name]... [name]... don't want to die," she whispered out as her eyes slowly fluttered shut, her blood glistening even more under the uncanny moonlight.

[name]'s eyes slowly fluttered open, it hadn't been too long since she had passed out, she felt numb– she couldn't move a single inch of her body as her eyes were drooping, she was exhausted– exasperated and lightheaded, but she could feel that her clothes weren't soaked again.

someone had patched her wounds, she didn't feel the crunchy surface of the white snow. she felt warmth engulfing her small body. "did an angel patch [name]'s wounds? is [name] dead?" [name] murmured as her gaze traveled before landing on two people, one was a lady, the other was a man.

the lady had soft purple eyes which were piercing through [name]'s [e/c] eyes softly. "are you all right, my dear?" she softly asked. "mommy?" [name] called silently before smiling, her view and gaze was still nothing but blurry. "don't call lady tamayo that you filthy scum!" the man hissed loudly, his voice was laced with venom and hatred for the small child. "o-oh? lady tama? did lady tama also patch bunny's wounds? i think he is hurt too," [name] murmured incoherently.

tamayo and her assistant, yushiro, were walking up the mountains to collect the same snow drop herbs, but only to be met with a child who was bathing in her own blood, decorated with a ripped bunny in her arms. "[name] is scared... [name] doesn't know who lady tama is.." [name] frowned as she teared up, making her vision blurred even more. "may i ask? what happened to you, little one?" tamayo asked softly as she held the child in her hands slightly tighter.

"[name] was collecting herbs for mommy and got lost– [name] fought a demon," [name] explained in a small voice that was drenched with nothing but exasperation. "lady tama– [name] can't stay up any longer, [name] is slowly but surely sleepy," she mumbled silently. tamayo looked to the side at yushiro, mumbling a few words that [name] couldn't hear, before yushiro heaved out a small sigh and nodded in agreement to whatever tamayo had just said.

"you are given a chance, my dear. would you rather die in a gruesome way or continue living but as another being? your choice matters. choose wisely, dear," she said silently, her purple eyes gazed at her which were washed with pure sorry for the small child. "u-uhm.. [name] don't understand, but [name] doesn't want to die. [name] still needs to bring back the snow drop herb for mommy," she whimpered in tamayo's arm, feeling anxious and nervousness rising in her heart after hearing tamayo's words.

"alright, rest well, [name]-chan," tamayo said with a reassuring yet tight smile before she placed her hands in front of [name]'s eyes, letting it shut quietly, waiting for a while before [name] started snoring peacefully, cuddling into tamayo's figure before she flicked her wrist, scratching the small child on the forehead as blood drew from her forehead, turning the small child into a completely different being.


[name]'s eyes slowly fluttered open as the light blinded her vision, she groaned silently and shuffled beneath her comfy futon before she sat up. what happened to her? she couldn't remember a single sliver of what happened to her. she looked around the room to see wooden furniture that decorated the room well. a lady entered the room only to gasp in surprise at her awake form. "my dear! you're finally awake!" tamayo exclaimed in worry as she rushed towards the small child, engulfing her in a small hug. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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