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"Y/n~ah, You better get your ass up before jin hyung walk up here and spank you,"i streched my arms and yawn.

"Yeah yeah, I'm up."i spatted then heard retreating footsteps. I lazily headed to my bathroom and washed my teeth, then headed downstairs after.

"Morning Y/n,"jin oppa greeted as he sat beside namjoon oppa.

"Morning,"i grab an apple and take a big bite.

"Ah Y/n, your jaw will lock with that big bite you just took,"taehyung laughed out his lungs out.

"Psh,"i rolled my eyes and finished my food.

"Ah Y/n, I almost forgot. Eomma and Appa will come next week, uh they said they have something important to say, i dunno."namjoon oppa said. I furrowed my brows and looked at him.

"What will it do with me?"i asked, confused.

"I bet you'll be the center of that important talk again or whatever it'll be,"taehyung said as he chew on his food. I just rolled my eyes.

"What can be the reason then?"i headed back to my room, brushed my teeth again then taked my bath and change onto my outfit for today. I headed back down.

"Y/n! You sure you don't want to eat breakfast?"jin oppa asked but i just shook my head.

"I don't have time oppa, see ya later."i pecked their cheeks before heading out the house. Taehyung hopped on my back that made me almost stumble down but i still managed.

"What the heck is your problem Kim Taehyung?!"i frowned at him and arranged my clothes and hair. Aish,

"Yah, I'm 2 years older than you. Show some respect,"he rolled his eyes and throw his arms around ny shoulder. We walked to the school like that. Ah, i think he even put all of hus weight on that arms for me to suffer.


We've finally arrived at the school.

"Y/nieeeeee~"my best friend, hana ran to me. She was in utter shock seeing my brother beside me.

"Hi Hana,"taehyung greeted her.

"H-hi t-tae,"oh bitch why did you even stuttered? Oh typically there will be something right? But nah, hana have a boyfriend. His name is Jake, is it jake? Oh Jun, yeah the name is Jun.

"I guess i have to go to my class now Y/n, take care lil' sis."he then messed my hair again. Aish, this guy.

"Y/n! Nice outfit,"a boy 'complimented' me. I just nod as we walked to the hall.

"Pft, You call that outfit? More like a trash. Good morning Y/n, Early in the morning you looks like a garbage hm."ah yes, jeon jungkook, my asshole bully. Familiar with that concept right?

"There's no good in the morning if i see your face Jeon. Its pretty good that only my 'outfit' is the one you called trash, what about your face? Gross."he glared at me. He is again, oh yeah, with his fling, oh sorry, girlfriend? Ah ra. Yes i'll admit he's pretty good looking that's why girl go crazy about him, but for me, he's more like a fucking wall boulder walking around just to piss me off. I more like befriend the toilet seat instead of befriending this guy, uh, i'm sick of his mean attitude towards me. I don't even look like a nerd or whatever.

"Oh by the way, Pass this to Mrs. Kang for me."he placed a pile of paper on my hand then left. Aish, this again, being his slave who can't even say no. How can i do that if he always interrupt me?

"Y/n, this is gonna be a tough day for you."hana shake her head.

"Why don't you just help me? Huh?"i rolled my eyes at her.

"Sorry Y/n but i gotta go, Jun just texted he wants to meet me at the rooftop."she smiled sheepishly then ran away. I just started walking to Mrs. Kang's office but then i tight arm hug stopped me.

"Can't. Breathe. You. Bastard."he then cracked. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"How was my baby's morning?"ah yes, another best friend who's a bastard flirt, Park Jimin.

"Why don't you ask that to her mother?"i asked, sarcastically.

"I can't. Eomma's not home yet but uh, i heard from taehyung that appa and eomma are going here next week?"of course he know, tch.

"Who are you calling eomma and appa there? Huh? And unfortunately, yes, they'll arrive next week with some important talk, i dunno."i snorted.

"Maybe they just want to come for a visit, eh?"oh yes maybe, but we're not sure about that. All they care is about their stupid business. I just thank Jin oppa and Namjoon oppa for raising me when our parents is busy on their work.

I greeted Mrs. Kang with a smile as i passed her Jeon's papers.

"Ms. Kim, why are you the one who passed Mr. Jeon's papers? Where is he?"she asked.

"Maybe he's around there Ms, Doing his work."she let out a soft chuckle. Me and Jimin bid her goodbye as we walked out her office. The bell rang so we immediately dashed on our first class.


Okay now i'm starting to get bored. The start is pretty lame, isn't it? This was just so sudden and unexpected though.

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