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Mercedes April Porter
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
A Month Later

️⚠️ This Chapter Contains Content That Might Be Triggering To Some Viewers ⚠️

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" He yells at me.

"You're a dumb bitch." I laugh.

He reaches over the car and chokes me. I throw sum of my Grey Goose on him and open the door.

I run out and attempt to run to my apartment but fall on the sidewalk and cut up my leg.

"Ouchhhhh." I cry, holding my bleeding leg.

"Get the fuck up Mercedes." He stands over me.

"Why the fuck are you treating me like this when you're the one in the wrong!?" I scream-cry.

"Yo dumbass need to stop drinking." He helps me up.

He quickly walks to the car and I try to grab his arm but he snatches it away making me cry harder.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He yells in my face.

"Are you fucking serious!?" I kick his headlight.

"Stop touching my shit foe I fucking kill you!" He threatens me.


"I told yo ass the story, if youn believe me that's on you." He throws my purse out on the sidewalk next to me.

"Wowwww thisss is how you do me? The woman you supposedly love? Youn treat the people you love like this." I frown.

"You're fucking crazy and I'm trying not to put my hands on yo drunk ass." He walks around to me.

I pick my glass bottle back up and chuck it at him which he dodges causing it to shatter against the rim of his car.

He balls his fists up and starts practicing breathing exercises to calm down. He walks over to me and kicks the cut on my knee making me groan in pain.

We hear sirens and start to panic cuz one of my neighbors might have called.

"Is everything alright?" A police car passes by.

"Yes." D says.

"Ma'am?" He asks me.

"Yes, I fell." I wipe my tears.

"Are you sure?" He parks behind D and gets out.

I start to cry harder because I don't want D going back to jail.

I throw up in between my legs, landing on D's new Jordans 4's.

He bites his tongue to avoid cussing me out as the officer is watching us intently.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He walks closer to us.

"She fine nigga." D says aggressively.

I shoot him a look while the officer laughs.

D is drenched in vodka, there's broken glass in the middle of the road, and I have tearstreaks down my cheeks with a giant cut in my leg and throw up on the sidewalk. A mess.

"We got a call. A noise complaint of an arguing couple... Possibly a domestic violence case?" He asks.

"I just had a bad night officer. And I fell." I point to my cut and the blood on the pavement.

"That's a nasty cut, do you need an ambulance?" He asks.

"No sir, I'll go to urgent care in the morning." I lie.

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