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"..I wonder where that kid is..." I said quietly to myself as I held a notebook in my hand,

Oikawa Takeru, that's his name, he had a buzzcut and looked somewhat displeased before he left,

He was sitting in the cafeteria, when someone called him so he left, he probably didn't notice that he left his notebook so I called him, but he didn't hear me,

So here I am looking for him,

The only reason I'm here is because I had to get my dad to sign a waver for a field trip,

But now I'm also looking for a kid named Oikawa,

I bit my lower lip as I still couldn't find him, where the hell did that kid even go??

"C'mon Takeru! Just tell your uncle to sign our Oikawa Notebooks!"

"I said don't want to, just ask for it yourselves.."

"It would be faster if you gave it to him directly, it isn't that hard just— give it to him..!"

My brows furrowed as I walked over to the front gate,

Three kids were there, Oikawa and two other kids who're trying to give him notebooks,


"What." one of the two boys turned raising a brow,

"Hm? Did this school not teach you manners?" I crossed my arms at the little boy,

So much sass for someone who's 4'9 in height

He was slightly shock to see someone who's two feet taller than him,

Well, almost, I'm only 5'6.. but I mean that's still tall enough

"I- uh— Run!!" The kid shouted, and him and his friend ran away,

"Hey! Come bac— Y'know what.. Never mind" I sighed shaking my head in disappointment,

And then I turned to Oikawa, who was standing there awkwardly,

I bent down to his level, in a low asian squat position,

"Hey there! Oikawa right? This must be yours" I said handing hik over the notebook, smiling with my eyes closed,

He hesitantly took the notebook,

"Oh.. uhm... thank you miss" he shyly said averting his gaze,

I hummed, "it's all good, what were they doing? Were they bullying you?" I asked in a protective tone,

"I don't know if continuously trying to make me get them my uncles autograph is bullying" he shrugged putting the notebook in his bag,

I pursed my lips, it isn't but it could lead to it if he keeps refusing, but I personally dont think he should do what they want to satisfy them either

"Let me see.. how about whenever they do that, say that I'm your friend" I told him,

He raised a brow, "..but how would that help?" He asked confused,

"Ah how rude of me to not introduce myself" I said flipping my hair back, he stayed silent waiting for me to speak,

"My name is L/n Y/n, daughter of L/n D/n, the owner and principal of this school" I said proudly,

A few students know that, but only few, majority of them don't know since I don't really put it out in the open that much,

His brows rose, "Your dad owns Kitagawa Daichii??" He asked,

I nodded, "mhm! He sure does, so if anyone tries to ask for your uncles authograph, just say that you can get them suspended because I'm one call away, 'kay?" I said with a nod,

He nodded, "..okay, I'll tell them that..."

I smiled, "great! I'll be off then!" I said and kissed his cheek, getting up and turning to walk away,

But stopped to turn around,

"Oh and— be safe on your way home Oikawa-san" I said and walked away with a wave,

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