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"Tadaima" I heard as I was munching on some milkbread on the couch,

"Welcome back Take-chan!~" I chirped as I turned around,

But my smile dropped as soon as I saw his flustered face with a light brownish pink lipstick mark,

I opened my mouth to speak, but I kept closing it as I didn't know what to say,

He lowered his head, "it's not what it looks like..." He mumbled rubbing it off with the back of his hand,

Now it just looks like someone made out with his cheek...

"I- wha- wher- ho— WHEN??" I yelled getting up,

"After school. Don't tell mom or dad for pete's sake.." he muttered passing me and sitting on the couch,

I blinked twice before I scratched my head, sitting back down

We had a little staring contest before I face palmed once again,

"So how'd you get that.. kiss?" I asked with a sour face,

"Eh.. it's a long story" He said wiping it again,

"Then make it short" I gave him a blank expression,

Y/N L/N??!?!" I yelled in disbelief

"Ow- stop yelling!" He pleaded covering his ears,

"Takeru you lucky brat!" I whined shaking him,

"You get kisses from pretty girls all the time! So what if L/n-san kissed my cheek?" He asked pouting,


Cricket noises were heard as I said that, before Takeru snorted, turning into him having a laughing fit,

"BAHAHHAHAHA NO WAY?!!" He laughed out loud holding his stomach,

I frowned crossing my arms, "what?" I asked him with a huff,

"You- you? Had a crush??7" He asked as if I'm incapable of having one,

"Everyone has at some point in life" I crossed my arms as I let out a huff,

"Hmm I guess, but why'd you like her out of all girls?" He asked curiously,

"....b—" as I was about to tell him, our doorbell rang,

"Ah-! I'm get it" I said and ran,


"Ah-chu!" I sneezed loudly, making my friends turn to me,

"You good there Y/n?" Misaki asked with a light laugh,

"Better not be having a cold y/n, the field trip isn't that far from now" Semi said with a shrug,

I shook my head, "I'm good, must be the weather" I said and smiled a bit,

Misaki blinked twice, before nodding, "yeah I guess so, the weather's quite chilly now-days"

"Mmh yeah I mean it's almost December so it makes sense" Semi said and sipped his soda, before throwing it in the nearby trash at the park,

"Welp, guess we should go now" I said and got up, Misaki followed shortly while Semi already started walking,

LIPSTICK MARKS . OIKAWA TOORUWhere stories live. Discover now