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"Y/n." A deep voice called for me,

I look up from my seat and saw Ushijima,

"Yes? Do you need anything Wakatoshi-san?" I asked him with a soft tone,

"Uh.. were you at the tournament?" He asked looking behind him,

I raised my brow and went to look behind him as well,

And saw some of the other members were hiding behind a ball rack..

Ushijima was quick to step to the side to cover my vision,

'He was sent here wasn't he..' I sweat dropped,

"I was, but only the first day" I answered him,

"Ah so you were the one we saw!" Tendou jumped up from his hiding spot, while everyone else did the same,

"With Oikawa" Shirabu added,

I felt my cheeks heating up as they admitted that,

I was spotted with Oikawa at a tournament..by my own team!

"I- well..-" before I could finish my sentence, my phone started ringing

"It's Ryuko- I'll just take this" I said and walked away,

Letting out a breath of relief, I picked up the call,


"You too?!" I whisper yelled rubbing my face,

[ I just stayed at a friends house for three days.. and I'm coming home to you with a boyfriend?! ]

"What the hell are you talking about Ryu?? He's not my boyfriend, I just happened to be nice so I went to his game!"

[ being nice my ass, you had a crush on him on middle school for pete's sake. ]

"..we don't speak about that"

[ but you di— ]


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