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"You smell funny" Takeru said as I arrived back home with a smile,

I chuckled smirking at him, "do I not smell familiar? Hm?"

He raised a brow at me and gave me a sniff, his eyes slightly widened,

"You smell like L/n-san!" He said almost immediately

"I know, It's her pefume" I wiggled my brows,

"You got a date with her or something?" He asked me,

I shook my head, "sadly not, but she's coming to watch the first day of prelims with me"

"Eh ok, goodluck with getting her I guess" he shrugged,

I pouted as he didn't really care about it,


"Why do you keep looking at the strands? Are you looking for someone?" Makki asked,

"L/n-san's coming, apparently.." Iwa-chan told them

"Eh? Our principal in middle school??" Kindaichi asked raising his brow,

"No you dumbass, he means his daughter, Y/n-san" Mattsun face palmed,

"Yeah her, I'm waiting for her to come because she said she would and I just want to make sure she arrives" I told them still starring at the entrance,

"Wait a little longer, it's still 8:30 there's no way she'll come this early" Coach spoke up walking to us,

We all looked at him,

"Go roam around or something, justs be back around 10 minuets before the first game" he added and sat down,

As he said that, I immediately got up and ran down the stairs to the lobby,


I sighed as there was a long traffic to enter the arena,

Is it usually this long? Because I usually come on the bus with the team itself,

My driver was just sitting there not really minding,

But I very much mind because it's already 9:15 and theres no way this would just move in five minuets,

I tapped the shoulder of my driver, he turned to me,

"Do you need anything Ms
L/n?" He asked me,

"I'm gonna get off, just take a u-turn and head back home and I'll call for you to pick me up tonight" I told him and gave him no time to respond as I swung the door open and hopped out of the car,

Even in heels, I still made a run for it and made my way in the arena,

"Ticket please?" The person who takes the tickets asked,

I opened my bag and handed him my vip ticket, because I'm willing to waste money just to get a good sight of the games,

Even if it's not only Seijoh that we're watching,

He hummed and took it, handing me an i.d and I ran for it,

I huffed as I made my way to the entrance of the arena, and looked around to find Oikawa-san,

The schedules say that their game is the second one, against a school named [random name],

Right now, the one's playing is Date-tech and a school I never really heard of,

But I mean they're winning and I like the cheer so that's cool?

As I scanned the arena, my eyes met with Oikawa-san's,

His eyes widened and he immediately got up to meet me,

"Ohiyō gozaimasu, Oikawa-san" I said with a close eyed smile,

"Y/n-san you came! I thought you were gonna ditch me.." he said giving me a quick side hug,

I laughed a bit, "I was running late because the way to the arena was traffic, still is though" I said,

"Ah right it is traffic, but now that your here- lets go find a seat?" He asked offering his arm,

Which I gratefully took and we went to the front seats and sat down,


"Hm? She actually came huh?" Iwaizumi said with a faint smile,

That girl was the only girl Oikawa was different with,

He acted like a normal human being inlove around her, shy and anxious,

Unlike the past girls he's tried whom he just used his act on claiming it was actually real,


he liked her too

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