Pleasant surprise

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Savannah's POV:
I hear a weird noise. I slowly opened my eye, not knowing if ill regret my decision, I see Him on the floor with blood on his head.

"We need to get out of here. He'll be awake soon"

I was in so much shock

"But how? " I was in denial

"I'll explain later when we get out of this place"

We looked around the room frantically .There was a window at the side of the room. Big enough for Niall to get out of.
The both of us tried to open the window. But failed miserably. It didn't even move
an inch. An idea popped in my head.

"Niall do you have a pocket knife or anything sharp?" I asked.

He looked at me surprised about the question, but he gave me his pocket knife. I slammed the tip of the blade against the glass. The glass cracked in the middle. I was going to do it again, but Harry moved.
Niall took the knife from my hand, gently rubbing my hand to loosen my grip. I think I wasn't in my right mind cos next minute I heard a smash and Niall was pulling me.

"I'll jump first then ill catch you"

I just nodded. He jumped out the window and landed fine, lifting his arms he signaled me to take the jump.
We ran to the bus stop. I noticed that something was wrong with Niall. He wasn't walking right.

"This is the stop" Niall smile and nodded to the bus driver.

We walked up to the little white house and Niall unlocked the door.

Niall's POV
I let out a shrill scream. I had stood on my injurged leg.

"Oh my god, Ni, you're bleeding!" Savannah
gushed out and ran to the kitchen.

I sat down and examined my leg. It was 4AM.I snapped my gaze to savannah as she entered the little living room with a bowl
and a rag.

"What are y-"

"Shhh." She put her finger on my lip to stop me.

She sat down at the end out the couch where my feet are. She gently grabbed my injured foot and wiped a wet rag over it.
I hissed in pain and grab the edge of the couch. The pain was excreutinating.I had been in more pain before, but since I haven't been in any accidents lately I haven't really gotten hurt. I let out another hiss as she wiped the wet rag over my foot.

"Ni, you need stitches!" Savannah said, her
voice laced with worry.

I shook my head.
"Can you bring the First Aid box? It's in
the cupboard behind the mirror."

She nodded and hurried upstairs. She came downstairs and handed it to me. I opened the box and rummaged through
it, looking for the right stuff I need. I finally found all the things i needed. As soon as I brought the things out, her
eyes widened.

"You're not gonna do that are you?" she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah. I need to. And the hospital is closed right now. I'm used to it." I say.

"You're used to stitching? Stitching people's skin?"Savannah asked.

I nodded.
"I am a doctor remember"

"But what is that?" Savannah asked pointing at the baby blue powder.

I scratched the back of my neck.
"Ehh. That's heroin,"

Her eyes widened
again, "it works as anesthesia."
She nodded.

"Could you pass me the lighter?" I asked

She nodded and picked up the lighter from the table.
I took a spoon and poured the blue powder there. I held the lighter underneath it and
the fire melted the powder.
I poured it into a syringe and injected the substance to my heel.
My feet instantly became numb and a rush of adrenaline filled my body. I don't usually do drugs. It's not my thing, but I do need it sometimes.

"You know you don't have to look if you
don't want to." I say.

"Umm okay." Savannah mumbled.

I guess she never saw this.
I take a deep breath and start stitching.

Wow. That was painful. I got 10 stitches. My foot is now wrapped in white gauze.

"You wanna hear the story now right?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

I get up and hop on my left leg to the kitchen where she was. I can't really put pressure on my right leg cause you know.
Author's Note:
We have a lot of surprises for our readers so stay tuned! :)

Dark Temptations.Harry Styles Horror FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora