The Escape

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Chapter 4
Jade's POV
"Why won't you just kill me already" I was sick of being his dummy.

"I thought we were having fun" he was looking my half naked body up and down.

"Oh! Is that what we were doing" I rolled my eyes

"Sassy! I like it" he winked at me

"You seriously need help"

I think I pushed him too far this time, because his face suddenly went serious and I could see the anger growing in his eyes. He put his face right next to mine. I could feel his hot breathe against my face and I flinched. The He walked away and went upstairs. I don't know why or what for, but he just walked if he needed to calm down? Was it even his intention on killing me?

"You guys need to get out of here now!"

I heard a soft voice warning us. I looked around, but there wasn't anyone around..this place gives me the creeps. I knew I shouldn't have come with my parents!
Savannah managed to move her head down to my hand and I pulled the tape off

"I'm so glad you are alive"

"I won't be for much long if we don't find a way out" I looked everywhere I could to try and find something......ANYTHING to got us free.

"Look! A knife! He must have dropped it" I smiled

"Can you hop over to it, pick it up with your mouth and hand it to me?" I whispered trying to not get Harry's attention.

Savannah wiggled herself off the table, bent down and got the knife. Handing to me I cut her free and she untied me

"He is coming" I laid back down like nothing happened, but Savannah ran to the kitchen. I knew he was smart and would notice she was gone.

"So what are we doing next?" He was too busy looking down at his feet to notice that we were free.

As he reached the bottom Savannah came up behind him and hit him over the head with a pan, knocking him unconscious. We got up, picked up my clothes and ran as fast as we could! We had no idea where to go, but anywhere FAR away from this place would be good. As we were running Savannah looked to her side and Emme suddenly appeared and started running next to her

"Run and go as far as you can! He will find you and this time you won't come out alive. You are just playing
along with his game" and she disappeared.

We slowed down when we heard what sounded like cars rushing past. I put my clothes on and we walked towards the sound. IT WAS A ROAD!!! WE HAD HOPE!
We stood there begging, anyone who was coming passed us, for a lift. We stood there for what seemed like hours when an old bukkie stopped. The man rolled down his window

"Need a lift ladies?" He offered
I got into the car first and Savannah sat by the door. We couldn't stop thanking him!

"Where do you need to go?" He smiled

"To the hospital please" I returned the smile
As we drove off Savannah stared out the window and saw Emme by the trees waving her arms around as to get our attention

"He knows your every move"
Savannah blinked and Emme was gone. What was up with this girl??? Its as if she is a spirit trying to keep us safe?

Dark Temptations.Harry Styles Horror FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora