Chapter 6

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Harmonia awoke the next morning to a cold spot beside him and a pillow in his arms. He shot up in  bed and quickly looked around and found a note and his window. ''Things to do and places to be ~ Lamia.'' He sighed as he read the note knowing he would more than likely see her later on. He got up from his bed and changed his clothes just as his father walked in. ''Son I have urgent news. The wanderer has left a note and hints about her next attack and I need you to stay here in the castle or take some of your most trusted men and go on a hunting trip in the next town over.'' His father demanded. Harmonia looked confused. Lamia only stole to help her aunt and the other poor people in her village. He just nodded to his father before responding. ''I'll go on a hunting trip. It's been quite some time since the last one.'' The King just nodded and told to be gone by tomorrow sunrise. Harmonia nodded before his father left and he finished getting ready before going into the town square. There, he saw Lamia with her cousins and aunt dancing to the music that was playing by the locals.

Harmonia walked up to the them as the onlookers started to whisper and clear a path for him, which he hated cause all he wanted was to just have a quiet day. Lamia never saw him. She was dancing with her baby cousin, who was in her arms. He tapped her on the shoulder and she pun around quickly. ''Harry'' she said with a smile. People started to whisper even more. Why was a commoner calling the prince not only by his name but a nickname. ''Lamia.'' He greeted as Lamia's took her child. ''May I have this dance?'' He asked as the song changed to a more up beat one. ''It would be my honour.'' She curtsied and they began to dance. The locals began to join in as well and soon most of the square was dancing, man and woman, woman and woman even man and man. Some of the guards on patrol joined in. Everyone was enjoying themselves and having a good time. The song was coming to an end and everyone had smiles on their faces and laughing to their heart's content. 

Everything was brought to a stop when the loud ferocious roar of a dragon was heard. The guards began to help people to safety while Harmonia looked Lamia who looked to be in a trance. ''LAMIA'' Harmonia yelled and she snapped out of whatever trance she was in. He saw her eyes flash a slight purple before they heard her aunt yelling for her. Lmaia looked at her aunt and nodded before running off into the forest. ''She's running the wrong way. Someone after her!'' A guard said loudly and Harmonia began to run after her. ''I've got her'' He said and broke the tree line and continued to run. 

Lamia couldn't explain what was happening but she knew her aunt knew something and wasn't telling her. She ran until she came to a clearing in the woods and in front of her stoof an almighty dragon. It had the most beautiful black scales that reflected purple in the light and the deepest green eyes. She stared at the magnificent beast in front of her before taking a step back remembering it was a dragon but she felt a certain pull towards it. ''Do not be afraid my child I will not harm you.'' It says and she gasps. ''I didn't know you could talk.'' She said amazed and took a few steps closer until she was right in front of its nose. ''I can do many things that humans are not aware of.'' It speaks again. ''What're you doing here?'' She asks and the beast sighs.

 ''My name is Eragon and I have come in the name of my people to warn you a great danger is upon all of Dradevows and it can only be stopped by the most mightiest of forces. Legend has it that a a powerful dragon lord or lady will team up with the once and future King and take on this evil to save us all and reunite the dragons with the people of Dradevows.'' Eragon says and Lamia begins to think. ''Well Harmonia is the only prince so who would he be fighting with?'' She asks clearly not putting the pieces together. ''You will my dear for you control the dragons and all the power we yield and we can channel it through you to help you.'' He  says with a slight chuckle and Lamia stands there shocked to the core. ''But I don't know the first thing about fighting evil or harnessing magic. How am I suppose to help Dradevow?'' She asks Eragon but he just shakes his head. ''That is for you to figure out yourself my child.'' He says before taking off into the air and flying towards the mountains. ''Hey come back! Damnit what am I supposed to do now?'' She asks herself aloud. ''How about explaining all that to me.''

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