Chapter 8

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Harmonia looked around his surroundings and was thinking about what he had said to Lamia. He didn't mean to have been as mean as he was. She clearly didn't know what was happening either and he took advantage of that which he shouldn't have. He was snapped out of his thoughts when his horse came to a holt. He looked in front of him to see some of his good friends and guards all looking at him worried. ''What?'' He asked. His friends, Merlin cleared his throat. ''It's Nothing sire you just seem a but distant and we were wondering if anything was bothering you.'' He said and Harmonia sighed. ''I had a fight with someone and i left on bad terms.'' He says and the 3 friends across from him share a knowing look. ''Is it a girl?'' Arthur, another friend, asks. Harmonia looks at him sharply but then the look softened. ''Yeah it is and I feel really bad about what I said to her.'' He says and the last friend Gwaine laughs. ''If you're that worried then we can go home a day early and get back tomorrow so you can apologise quicker and this can all be resolved.'' He says being the wise friend he was. Harmonia thought about it. It would work because he had given her two days to leave so she would still be there tomorrow when he returned. He smiled and nodded to his friends. ''Now enough of this moping let's have a good time when it's just us together.'' Merlin says and the other laugh following their friends into the woods. 

Lamia had her 'Wanderer' clothes on and she was getting ready to raid a carriage on the other side of castle which was the opposite of what her letter for the King had said. She was sitting in a tree waiting for the carriage to pass. She didn't bring Mouse or Hades because she was worried they were going to get hurt because this is the riskiest one she's done yet. She silently waited for the carriage to pass and when it did she jumped a top. She began to go through the chests in the back but they only had different fruits and vegetables in them which was weird because these people were nobles. She was going to have to be risky and go into the carriage and threaten them. She climbed around the side and drew her dagger before ripping open the door and seeing....stuffed dummies. She heard laughing and looked out the window to see the people who were driving the coach had jumped off the driver seat with the horses and the carriage was heading full speed towards a cliff. She quickly went back to the door which was till wide opened and jumped out onto the road. She rolled and when she stopped she saw the carriage falling over the edge of the cliff. She sighed a breath of relief when she galloping in front of her and she the crest of the King on their armor. ''For fuck sake.'' She yelled before she was hit on the head.

She awoke with a gasp. She was on a the concrete floor of a jail cell in the dungeons from what it looked. With half lidded eyes she looked out the door and into the eyes of one of the guards only for them to start yelling. ''She's awake. Call the King to the throne room. Bring the court.'' He yelled and everyone began to race around. Two guards opened her cell door and she was finally more awake. She's dragged through the hallways of the castle towards what she presumed the throne room. She still had her mask on so that was a relief in case any of the castle staff that she recognised from her village saw her. The throne room doors were flung open and everyone including the King rose from their seats anxious to see who the Wanderer actually is. She was forced to her knees about five feet away from the King throne. ''I hereby begin the court of the Wanderer.'' The King announces. The whole room was silent all that could be heard was everyone's breath. Until Lamia broke the silence.

 ''So You've finally got me.'' She says and the King just rests his chin on his folded hands. ''Even though your letter I must say was a good distraction from your plan it was not enough to fool me.'' The King says and Lamia looks at him the eyes. ''But it has everytime before that.'' She smirks under her mask. The King begins to become angry. ''You're a trickster that's why.'' He says and Lamia just shakes her head. ''I'm sure you said the same thing to my parents.'' She accuses. ''Your Parents?'' The King asks and Lamia looks at him again. ''I'm sure you remember them. All they tried to do was help people but you saw that as a threat and killed them. All because they were both born of magic. THEY WERE WARLOCKS. THEY TRIED TO HELP YOU. AND NOW BECAUSE OF YOU THE SAME EVIL MY PARENTS WERE PROTECTING US FROM IS RETURNING AND YOU'RE GOING TO KILL THE ONLY PERSON ABLE TO STOP IT.'' She yells, lunging for him and the King gasps. ''You. YOU'RE their child. You're Alaric and Patra's child. You must be burnt at the stake just as your parents and you'll never get your revenge by killing my son.'' The King says with a smirk but Lamia just laughs.

 ''I wasn't going to kill your son in fact I had sex with your son and he loves me and I love him so do as you will but just wait for your son to hear about this when he returns in a days time.'' She says and the King looks appalled. ''Reveal her face.'' The King yells and one of the guards pulls down her mask and many gasps were heard throughout the room obviously from recognition or shock. ''You will meet your demise by the burning at the stake tomorrow at noon. Be ready for your end Wanderer.'' The king announces. ''Don't say I didn't warn you. The end is near and if you do this now not only will you fall but so will your kingdom. Have no doubt the evil is arIsing and it rising fast.'' She says as she's being dragged out of the room adn the doors slam behind her.

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