Chapter 9

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Harmonia and his friends were gathered around a campfire laughing and eating breakfast while talking and reminiscing. 

Lamia sat in her cell thinking about everyone she's going to be leaving behind and how will the dragons respond to this. 

Harmonia and the others began to rid back to Dradevow a day early like planned so he could apologised. 

Lamia began to cry remembering the last words she'll ever hear from the man she loved.

Harmonia was drawing nearer to the border of Dradevow and it was nearing noon.

Lamia looked out her barred cell window to see the guards setting up the stake for the burning. She could feel the evil energy getting stronger.

Hades saw what was happening to Lamia and got one of her cousins, Conall and showed him. Conall looked at Hades for help on what to do and the decided to go and get Harmonia. 

Harmonia and his friends were brought to a sudden holt when they saw Hades and a small child coming towards them at high speed.

Lamia saw the guards beginning to approach.

Harmonia raced towards the castle courtyard as fast as he could after getting an explanation from Conall.

Lamia was dragged down the halls and out into the courtyard by the guards.

Harmonia saw the castle coming into view.

Lamia is tied to the stake and can see people gathering around including her aunt and cousins.

Harmonia was getting closer to the castle. He was almost there.

Lamia could faintly hear the King's speech as he told people about how she was the Wanderer and the torch was lit.

Harmonia crossed the drawbridge to the courtyard.

Lamia took a deep breath as the troch hung over the dry matter under her. 


Everyone looked towards the voice and saw Harmonia speeding towards them before finally stopping and taking the torch of the guard after jumping off of his horse. ''Harry.'' Lamia said quietly. Harmonia looked towards her and smiled before jumping onto the platform where she was tied up. ''Lamia hasn't done anything wrong unless helping others is wrong.'' Harmonia said loudly and the King scoffed. ''She is a witch just like her parents.'' He says and Harmonia glances at her before looking back at his father.

 ''That may be true but that doesn't mean anything if you love them enough.'' Everyone gasped hearing those words come out of the princes mouth. He turned around to untie her and she stood before Harmonia swept her into a kiss. People began to clap and the King finally calmed his fury seeing how happy his son was. ''NOOOO.'' Smoke formed in the middle of the courtyard and Lamia could feel some seriously dark energy from the figure inside.

''You are ruining my plans.'' The figure says and the smoke clears to reveal a man with a large scar down the right side of his face with no hair and a cloak. ''Druclan.'' The King says and the man smirks. ''Yes it is I. I've returned to bring evil bac to this land. I am one of the last druids in existence and i shall bring magic and destruction back to the land.'' He laughed and Lamia cleared her throat. ''I'm sorry who are you?'' She asks and Harmonia tris to hide his amusement with a cough. Lamia gives him a look and he takes it as a sign. A sign to take the people out of the courtyard slowly while she distracts him. 

Harmonia got  off the platform and Lamia followed. ''I mean I've never heard off you.'' She says with a hand on her chin. ''What? How? I'm the greatest wizard alive.'' He says offended. ''Wizard? So you're not even a warlock. Damn that must be tough.'' She said and has a quick look around to see the last of the people leaving to the lower town a safe distance away. ''But you see my parents were so boohoo.'' She says and uses the fire from the torch to aim it at him shooting a fireball. He blocked it with ease and shot it right back at her. She jumped out of the way and it hit the stake that she was once tied to, on fire. 

''I see it now. You're Alaric and Patra's little girl. Funny story that is. All they tried to do was top me and they ended up being killed by no one other then their very own King.'' He said and and Lamia began to aggravated. She concentrated on channelling her anger and she shot another ball of fire straight from her palms. The two continued to shot each other back and forth before Lamia managed to land a shot on him. 

Harmonia saw the two still fighting and Druclan having a bit of smoke coming from his cloak. He ran towards Druclan with his sword drawn and tried to land a hit on him when Druclan pushed the both of them back and began to whisper a spell. Next thing, the gargoyles on the roof of the castle came alive just as the royal guard came out of the castle to assist them. The guards and Harmonia focused on the gargoyles while Lamia focused on trying to take down Druclan.

 The sky became dark and the rain began to pour down in buckets making it very hard to see. Lamia and Druclan continued to fire shots at each other until the loud roar of a dragon was heard and multiple after that. Druclan growled angrily and began to control the lightning coming from the sky. He brought down a piece of lightning and stoke Lamia. She screamed put didn't fall. Not yet. She couldn't yet. She heard Harmonia calling her name but he was also concentrated on the gargoyles to do anything about it.

 Lamia remembered Eragon's words when he spoke to her. The dragons will channel their magic to her. She raised her arms and she felt the power soar through her veins and the dragons began to help take down the gargoyles. The lightning struck and  small fires started all over the place. Lamia fired continuous shots and Druclan before she couldn't anymore, too exhausted. Druclan breathed heavily not being able to stop every attack she threw at him. When he saw her exhausted state he took this as his chance to fire but before he could the King appeared behind him and along side Harmonia they ran Druclan threw with their swords. Druclan screamed and began to turn to dust as the rain cleared and everyone cheered. Harmonia began to walk towards Lamia to apologise for everything and to just hold her in his arms again but she started to fall to the ground. Harmonia picked up his speed and caught her.

 ''Lamia. Darling open your eyes.'' He said and she slightly opened her eyes to look at him and smiled. ''We make a good team.'' She says looking at him then hear s her aunt calling her and she turns her head to see them all running to and then kneeling beside her. ''You'll be ok dear.'' Her aunt says and her aunt looks at Harmonia with a sad look, both unsure of the outcome. ''The medics are on their way.'' The King says kneeling down next to them as well. ''Oldy.'' Lamia smiles a small smile. ''I can't thank you enough for your help Lamia.'' He says and before she can answer she coughs and coils in on herself in pain. ''It hurts.'' She says and Harmonia takes her hand. ''It'll be ok just remember I'm here.'' He says and she smiles and the grip on his hand lossens and her eyes close.

 ''Lamia. LAMIA.'' Harmonia yells and begins to cry. A dragon lands in front of the grieving group. He opens his mouth a blows a mist over her being. ''Do not mourn children she will live. Once the dragons so shall she. That mist will quicken the healing process. Be sure to get her the Medic though.'' Eragon tells them and Harmonia looks up at him. ''Really?'' He says and when Eragon nods he cries again. Not sad tears but happy tears.

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