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3rd Person PoV

The sound indicating the begin of the race echoed around the room and the group of swimmers dove forward into the water.

Within seconds they were all under the water, pushing themselves forward as far as they could.

The girl in the furthest lane was the first to surface and then one by one the rest came up.

"Early," Tenchi muttered as he watched y/n closely, "she came up earlier than usual."

"She's fine," Mako turned to him and glared, "sit down and shut up."

"Do you have no respect to me as your coach?" Tenchi glared right back.

"Now, now, neither of you are eleven years old," Miss Nakamura crossed a leg over the other and shot both of them a slightly judging raised brow, "Calm down. You're representing Nekoma and Japan so calm down and sit down."

The pair looked at her before nodding and complying.

"Look, y/n is... Uh-- third?" Rayla tried to make the situation better by pulling the attention back to y/n but everyone was confused when they saw the Australian in the lane next to y/n ahead in second and then someone from France in first, "am I hallucinating?"

"... No?" Mako was also just as confused, "What's she doing?"

In the pool, y/n was counting.









Suddenly, y/n picked up speed and quickly reached Rose's side, startling the girl who'd just began to feel too comfortable being ahead of her apparent h/c haired rival.

Y/n mentally smiled to herself, noticing the small fluctuation in Rose's swimming stokes.

Did she really think I was slower than her?

Pushing herself forward, y/n quickly made it clear to Rose and the Australian team watching her that y/n was no longer the meek bullyable girl they used to know and hate. Y/n was brave enough to push forward and show off her talents without worrying about the teams reaction.

The French girl, however, was still ahead of y/n and had reached the end of the pool first.

Y/n, noticing this while taking a break, quickly pushed herself forward and then reaching the wall, she turned and used the push off to add more speed.

"Come on, come on, come on," Mako and Rayla both watched in anticipation as y/n started to creep up behind the French girl.

Sounds of the team who'd come with that girl echoed around the room as they cheered her on as if their loud voices were going to suddenly give her a +100 speed boost.

"Shouldn't we cheer for y/n too?" Haruka asked, peeking over Mako's shoulder and glancing to the French team who were now seemingly having a cheer off with the Australian team on the other side of the pool.

"No point," Rayla shrugged, "y/n won't hear us."

"Yeah. We'll just get tired for no reason," Mako sighed before looking to her phone and smiling, "Oh hey, the boys won their match."

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