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Two days later_
Tokyo Airport_

"So... tired..." Rayla dropped down on my back as we waited for Tenchi to go and see if the school bus was waiting outside or not.

"We left at 12pm. You shouldn't be tired," I gave her a confused look.

"Nah. I mean-- we've just done so much swimming for one week that now I just want to break from swimming for the rest of the year," she replied.

"Well, entrance exams are coming up anyway," Mako reminded her, "so you'll have no choice either way."

"Ugh-" both me and Rayla said in unison, "don't remind us."

A bus ride later_
Nekoma High School_

"I could kill for some grilled squid," Rayla burst out as we all got off the bus.

"Or octopus," Haruka looked like she was on the verge of actually drooling over the thought of octopus, the sound of such a meal honestly made me feel sick but whatever floats their boats I suppose.

"Yeah... I mean-- it's not that the Australian food wasn't good, it was, but I just want a large bowl of my mum's rice now," Kyoka chimed in before everyone else all silently agreed with silent nods.

"Alright, girls, are your parents here?" Tenchi asked.

(You know, I feel like his name has changed a few times since he entered the story. Just me?🤔)

"Yeah," Mako pointed off to the side where her dad was stood, he looked like he'd come straight here from work, the painted trousers and shirt he wore gave that away clearly.

"I'm getting a ride with Mako," Rayla added.

"Me too," Kyoka chimed in.

"Alright, go ahead then," Miss Nakamura gestured, "what about the rest of you?"

"Walking," I answered, "here's a note of approval despite the fact I'm old enough to walk myself home without such a thing."

I pulled a small sheet of paper from the side pocket of my sports bag and passed it to the maths teacher, she read it over and nodded in approval.

"Alright," she smiled before looking to the last of the group, "and you two?"

"Same as Captain," Haruka and Ino both produced their own approval sheets of paper.

Of course, I know those two won't go straight home like I plan to but just the two supervisors seeing the approval paper means that anything they do is no longer under the supervision and responsibility of Tenchi or Miss Nakamura. Lucky them, right?

"Looks good," Miss Nakamura confirmed them both and nodded, "now don't linger around too long you three and head straight home."

"We will~" we all called as Tenchi gave a disbelieving look more so in the direction of the first and second year swimmers rather than me before climbing back onto the bus, likely to sign the return waver, and Miss Nakamura pulled out her clipboard from her bag and a small set of keys, heading towards the school building.

"Lets go get some grilled squid and octopus," Haruka looked to Ino who nodded her head.

"I'm starving," Ino smiled before looking to me, just noticing I was still there, "you coming, Captain?"

I was about to answer when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out.

It was a message from kenma.

'TK in gym'

That was all that was on it. Nothing but Tetsuro's (or I hope it was Tetsuro) current location.

Two captains are better than one | Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now