On Monday morning I woke up groggy with a headache. I forgot where I was for a couple minutes before I recognized my bedroom. The sunlight spilling in casted a golden glow across my floor, my floor that was in desperate need of a clean. I grabbed the first shirt and jeans I saw and headed outside. My mom and dad were sitting on the couch together, my dad's head was in his hands, my mom with a bottled water. It looked serious so I stayed away from it and ran to catch the bus. The air was cooler than I expected, nipping at my nose and my ears, windy and rustling orange leaves out of the trees. I'd forgotten how pretty WoodTier looked in the fall, warm colors all over the ground, leaves blowing in the air, a light blue sky with pink clouds drifting along, a golden sun illuminating everything up in sparkling shimmers. It woke up my foggy mind, made everything clear again.
So I started remembering. ...oh.
After I'd driven back home, my mom met me at the door. Apparently she texted me that she wanted me home early because we had to talk. But obviously I didn't see that and didn't leave until... I don't even know but atleast past 1. She was mad, reaaal mad, called me irresponsible and an idiot and a bunch of other words. I think she was a little drunk too, but I'm not sure. She never got around to telling me what she wanted to in the first place, she sent me to bed and said we'd talk tomorrow. But she didn't ground me, which I thought was suspicious. So then on the bus I was panicking about what she needed to talk about. I couldn't think of what could be serious enough. Maybe we were moving? She was kicking me out of the WingWard side? No, couldn't be that, she'd say that at night when she was mad. I just slumped in my seat, plugged in my earbuds and tried to keep my mind of it. To just relax.
I got to school before checking my phone for messages and noticed Pluto had texted me. Asking if I was at school yet. I texted her I'd just gotten there. Her and I always hung out before school, and I wondered if it'd be any different now that we're dating.
Dating. I realized all the people I could tell that day that I was taken by the prettiest girl in school. If any girls hit on me I could tell em I was with someone. If any guys told me to go for someone I could say "No thank you, I already got a girlfriend." Oh my god, why didn't I realize this sooner? I didn't just have my best friend to look forward to in 3rd period, I had my girlfriend to look forward to. To holding hands at lunch, scaring each other in the halls, for people saying "y'all look cute together", for teachers to tell us to stop making googly eyes, for skipping class to hang out, I was excited!
I started on my way to social studies, looking down at my phone to text Pluto when I head butted into someone. I looked up, and it was Pluto.
"Hey there ya are!" I gave her a hug and a quick peck, then started walking with her around the halls.
"I brought some quarters, wanna go to a vendin' machine?" She showed me her change.
"I ain't hungry but I'll walk with you." I gave her a smile, and she grinned back and grabbed my hand. Our fingers laced together perfectly, ice cold against my knuckles, waking up my nerves. We walked to a machine, she got a rice treat, and we walked with our hands clasped together and talking like normal. I was glad not a lot changed. I really liked what we had before and frankly I had been scared that it would change too much. But this was perfect.
The warning bell rang, the halls got busy with kids heading to their classes, and Pluto and I parted. But not without giving her a quick kiss first. The day dragged slowly but with a new beat in me. I found myself dazing off, daydreaming about the night before. Pluto never left my mind, she basically lived there. Every once in a while I remembered what my mom mentioned, but I tried to ignore that.
Next was gym class and I had spotted that girl who knew how to jitterbug. So while the coach was taking attendance I walked up to her. She had dirty blonde hair that went to her shoulders, hazel eyes and long legs. She was probably just barely shorter than me. She saw me coming and looked around, confused. Then I realized I hadn't really planned out what to say.

WingWard Side
Teen FictionWoodTier is a small town split into 5; the Foxbloods, the Southern Angels, the Painted Side, the ShadowHeads and the WingWard Side. CakePop and his 7 friends all belong to the WingWard side, and the mood suddenly shifts when a fellow gang member di...