The day dragged on forever, but finally the sun started sinking down and the clouds turned dark with the sky. The streets had a new eerie feeling among them, suddenly the empty leafless trees didn't seem as pretty but rather intimidating. There were large orange street lights placed far apart, providing little light and flickering occasionally.
I moved my candle to my desk and slid my window open more. My parents were awake, my mom watching tv on the couch and my dad doing something in the garage. But with my lights off and the door closed, they would hopefully just think I went to bed.
I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt at the moment, not fancied up, but I was gonna stop at Bulldog's house before picking up Pluto. And it was 8:05, so I had time. I stepped my right foot out, hanging out the window, then my left. I slid down a bit till my feet found the ground, then slipped the rest of my body out. The leaves were loud and crunchy, I regretted not raking them beforehand, but I stepped around as many as I could. I was in the park, a couple street lights were placed around the outside. I would walk to Bull's house, but I had to get my car to pick up Pluto. I felt for the keys in my pocket, then rounded the house for my old car.
The car was slightly shown in the window, but luckily the curtains were drawn. They wouldn't find out if the car started quietly. So I was just praying it would. I opened the door a little loudly, paused in fear, and then continued in when nothing happened. I closed the door as quietly as I could and plugged in the keys. The car shook slightly and rumbled as it started, but started quicker than usual. I realized I was wincing at the ignition, so I ran a hand through my hair and pressed on the gas.
I was clear of the house, thank god. A successful escape. The sun set early in the fall, and although in the west it was still hinting blue, the rest of the night was pitch black. My car rumbled down the road and after a couple minutes I pulled onto the curb of Bulldog's house. On my way out of the car, he opened his screen door and let Duke out to greet me. The big dog jumped up and licked my face, and I did my best to shove him off. After a minute Bull whistled sharply and Duke sprinted back inside.
"You did it, man!" Bull opened his arms. "I'm surprised, I ain't gonna lie."
"You kidding? That was almost too easy." I clapped his hand and pulled him into a side hug. "Thanks for the help."
Bull opened the door and led me inside. His house was old and leaky, with stains on the wall and creaky broken floor boards. We walked past his kitchen that had tiles pulled up and a half shattered chandelier that looked like it was from the 70's. Beer bottles were on the counters, a couple on the floor, and occasionally a half used cigarette or a pair of underwear. He didn't make any attempt to clean his house and didn't seem to care.
We walked into his room, which had stained carpet and clothes littered everywhere. Egghead was sitting on his bed, staring at the disgusting room like it was silently killing him.
"No way, y'all got Egg to sneak out?!" I exclaimed.
"No, my curfew ain't till 12." he chuckled. Bull ruffled my hair as he walked past me to his closet.
"I got some nice clothes." He changed the subject, looking through the hangers. "But Egg's here for rich clothes."
Egg nodded. "I brought this suit like thing that might fit you!" I laughed nervously.
"Guys, thanks for the clothes but this ain't a date." I held up my hands defensively. Bull shoved me with his elbow.
"Shut it and just accept our help." he grumbled. Egg smiled at me.

WingWard Side
Roman pour AdolescentsWoodTier is a small town split into 5; the Foxbloods, the Southern Angels, the Painted Side, the ShadowHeads and the WingWard Side. CakePop and his 7 friends all belong to the WingWard side, and the mood suddenly shifts when a fellow gang member di...