"Hey..." I walked into Pluto's living room, closing the door quietly behind me. She was sitting on the floor, notebooks and papers and books sprawled out around her. She smiled when she saw me.
"Heyyyy." She set her pencil down. "What're you doin' here?"
I dropped my backpack next to the door and walked around behind her, giving her a hug. "Just sayin' hi." I leaned down next to her ear. "Your uncle ain't home, right?" I whispered.
She laughed a little. "Nope, outta town."
I swayed her a bit. "When'll he be back?"
She shrugged, then turned her head to me and smiled. "I dunno, not for a long while."
I paused, watching her for a second. Did that mean...? "Wait, did he take..."
She nodded slowly. I processed, realizing. I felt my face slowly light up. "He took the job?!" Pluto laughed and nodded again. My heart swelled, I couldn't contain my excitement. I grabbed her sides and lifted her into the air, hugging her and swinging her around. "Pluto that's amazin'! I'm so happy for you!!!" I kissed her cheek, squishing my nose into her face.
She started laughing loudly. "Cake put me down!"
Suddenly the door creaked open, and Roger stood in the frame, holding grocery bags. He glared for a second. We both froze, me still hugging her in the air.
"Great, your home." He stared right into my soul as he walked by me towards the kitchen. "Leave room for Jesus!"
Pluto and I met eyes again once he disappeared. "So..." I whispered, looking down to her lips. "Wanna make out in your room?"
She chuckled, leaning in closer. "You know I d- WAIT NO I can't I got homework." She shoved her hand in my face and pushed me away. I set her down, astounded she would turn me away for homework. HOMEWORK.
"Seriously?" I whined. She sat down in her circle of papers. I dropped on the floor next to her, and put on my best pair of puppy eyes. "But I wanna hang out with ya..."
"Not until I'm done with ma work." She said while looking at her book. She gave me an eye. "An' I know y'all got a test comin' up too, CakePop."
"Y'know it'd be nice if I had some help in here," Roger yelled from the kitchen.
"I'm busy." Pluto spat back.
"I'll entertain him." I offered, giving Pluto a peck before heading to their kitchen. It was a little run down, crappy old flooring and stained walls, a couple cupboards that were broken in. But they kept it pretty tidy. Well, Pluto probably did. There were some dirty dishes in the sink, but a flower was growing on the windowsill and some nuts were set out on the counter. Roger was unloading some groceries on the island, leaving the fridge open. He gave me a strange look.
"Here to help?" He eyed me, pulling some eggs out of a brown bag.
"Yep, just tell me where to put stuff." I grabbed some paper plates and toilet paper out of another bag.
"Plates just go in the corner." He pointed to the countertop by the fridge. I set them there and ran the toilet paper to the bathroom real quick before jogging back. "Now that Sherman is stayin' in Brusen, I have to pick up groceries. I didn't realize how much they cost though. Pluto might have to get a job to stay above water." He put some milk in the fridge.
I grabbed a block of cheese, and he pointed to their cheese drawer. "Ain't Sherman sending y'all some money each month though?" I asked.
"Well, he will eventually." Roger sighed. "But he needs all the money he can get right now to find an apartment. An' he can only work part time for a lil' bit while he bounces back an' forth and finds a place." he opened up a cupboard and paused for a second. "I think I'm just gonna pick up another job though."

WingWard Side
Teen FictionWoodTier is a small town split into 5; the Foxbloods, the Southern Angels, the Painted Side, the ShadowHeads and the WingWard Side. CakePop and his 7 friends all belong to the WingWard side, and the mood suddenly shifts when a fellow gang member di...