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On the planet known as Earth made millions of years ago by the god known as Azuel the God of all Gods. There were over 5,000 villages and over 1 billion humans living on Earth. The mortals he created named humans, Did as he asked and didn't have free reign to think on their own.

Azuel decided to let all the other gods come to earth and let them do as they pleased. Some made continents and people, some made resources, and some had affairs with mortals. Creating a magical group of people who could bend elements like fire, ice, water, etc. 

When the God of Mischief, Krazin, who's almost as powerful as Azuel, came and wreaked havoc on Earth, he made a giant earthquake. All the continents were broken into pieces and started floating around the Earth. Millions were killed and the gods were upset at Krazin and were powerless against him. Azuel knew this would happen eventually but he didn't want to start anew so he started piecing together pieces of land making 4 different continents and over 100 islands. All the Species that were previously separated were being combined. After a thousand years of piecing together the land parts, Azuel decided he was gonna give all the species free rein to think and control their own actions. This ensured chaos among all the species creating racism and superiority among each other. The gods were not very happy with this but Krazin was very pleased. The gods then started religions among the mortals and the ones that created species started protecting them and giving them great gifts. Eventually after millions of years of war and killing, mortals started forming kingdoms with Monarchy being the most used central Government.

In the continent known as Travera, More than 70% of It was under one flag known as the Vastors, the citizens were composed of almost all the non-monstrous species like humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, the centorions, the saurians, gectrilins, anthropoids, avetens, etc. All monsteriod creatures were looked down on and hunted most of the time. 

In the year 1253, there was a rebellion in Travera, the rebels called themselves The Crazens. They felt like King Torten was corrupt and they wanted out of the kingdom and to rule their own land. The war lasted 212 years with billions of deaths on both sides. In 1465, the King Ortanian of the Crazrens and King Travern of the Vastors made a peace treaty and came up with a compromise. The Crazens would take 20% of the conquered land to the east and be able to rule it how they pleased and there would be peace between both and they would work as allies. This stopped the war and brought prosperity To Travera and even allowed for more land conquering and more trading with the other continents. In the year 1503, 90% of Travera has been explored; the 10% unexplored lay in the south. Dangerous ground to be in and required gifted mages to explore safely.

There were now 3 kingdoms in Travera, The biggest still being The Vastors ruling Urwune. The Vastor army had a large army and specialized in trading overseas

The Crazens were the second Ruling Craza. specializing in combat and knowledge collecting.

The new kingdom established in 1489 was a bandit land. It had no rules it was a no-man land, the leader was a Centorien he ran smuggling operations in both kingdoms and even had islands under his protection around the continent. He was in the North, the area he ruled in was a Peninsula. He had a strong pirate navy and had a strong army with mages, assassins, monster trainers, and a ruthless vanguard.

In the month of Machel, there was a conflict between the Vastors and Crazens. No one knew why unless they were high-ranking officials in the Government. The rumor was that King Frache of the Vastors wanted to conquer land back for the Vastors but no one for certain. It created unease in the citizens because they didn't want a war to happen, during the golden age of the Travera. New technology being made like the musket and the prototype pistol, weapons of destruction that could eventually replace sword fighting and help fight against mages with their magic. A few months later the Vastors started invading and plowing through the small weak villages. The Crazerns were caught off Guard but King Havi quickly mustered up troops and went on the Defensive. Even though they were a smaller kingdom and had fewer numbers than The Vastors, they had better fighting experience and fighting techniques. 

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