The Breakout

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Over the next two years, I was enrolled in classes such as literature, speech, finances, and finally strategy class with Rovester.

On Marchel 2nd, 1522, I was sent to the old Crazen capital Panera to help Roveter with a bandit operation that was happening there. This was my first time returning home since the siege of my old home where the Vastors massacred my parents. 

I was in a carriage over there for a few days. I was finally there outside the castle walls. They stood tall and vicious. They have gotten bigger and stronger. They were now made of imported Fine Twonucken stone. The stone is a rich steel gray color. The stone has extraordinary durability and requires a lot of force to break down. 

The hooves of the horses clanked against the cobblestone as we entered through the open gates of Panera. Kids were running around in joyfulness, and tourists walking around sightseeing. The city had massively expanded and flourished under Vastor rule. The Vastors had made international trade with the other continents so there were more resources and supplies. I got off the carriage to look around my old home. The sun burned brightly and beamed down on the city. The streets were crowded with carriages, travelers of all different species. Some were trading, some were talking among friends, and some were asking for directions. The loud chatter, the carriage's wheels creaking, the kids screaming and running around. I missed it, I was so caught up in revenge I forgot what it was like to enjoy the little things in life. I walked for what seemed like years but were just mere hours looking at all the districts and how they changed and advanced so much. I went down one of the main streets with 3 hours of daylight left trying to find a map to go to the castle. Then a woman with an olive green hood stepped in front of me.

"Excuse me ma'am." I said politely

She just stood there and when I tried to go around her she walked in front of me again. 

"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed 

After I said that more people in hoods surrounded me and the first lady took off her hood.

She raised her head and said, "We know who you are, the true king of this land and you'll get what is rightfully yours."

I stood there confused "Who are you and how do you know who I am?"

"At sunset you will be liberated from your prison young prince."

As she said that, they disappeared into the crows of people passing by. How did they know and what do they mean I'll be liberated? 

I continued down the main street contemplating what just happened and what it could mean. Then I was approached by two city watch guards.

"Prince Wester, the General, expecting your arrival an hour ago. We are gonna have to escort you to him."

The guards lead me to the castle, it had been completely rebuilt; it didn't even look the same. The foundation was different, it had been made of a stronger brick.

As I stepped inside the castle walls for the first time, I was introduced to a long hallway with Gigantic pillars that go to the roof. Beautiful large paintings of battles hung on the walls and Ancient Vastor armors lined the hallway. The Strong dirt brownish ashek stone is the floor and the walls are dark onyx black. The hot red carpet leads to all the doorways that lead to more hallways. 

The servants and guards greeted me, then I was then escorted to the war room. I walked in and it looked the same like it was untouched. Except for the decorations were changed to Vastor propaganda and flags. There was no one in the room and the guards who escorted me left back to their posts. 

I looked around and found an old box of junk. The box was withered, looked old and scarred but still strong. I put it up on the map table, I scavenged through it and I found an old compass. It had been broken, the glass was missing besides a few shards on the edges. The outline was a rich Crazen gold from one of the mines and it had a Crazen emblem on it. I felt some connection to the compass. Like a personal connection even though I have never seen it before. The face of it was bright white and the arrow was black. It seemed broken. It wasn't facing the right direction I was facing. I rubbed the outline of it to feel the gold. It was made out of pure Crazen gold. I could tell by the feel and the red-orangish color of the gold. 

As I stared at the compass lost in thought. Someone walked in without me noticing. They cleared their throat

 "How does it feel being back home? Must be weird huh seeing how everything changed."

I looked at who talking and I was shocked to see him here


"Hey Wester long time no see? It's been about two years right?"

"Yeah it has been a long time. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help with the bandit operation."

"It's nice to see you Hymay, I know you probably don't wanna speak about this but."

Before I was able to finish my sentence he interrupted me

"Yeah we will talk about that later. I need to go before my father gets here. I'm supposed to be at the armory but I came to say hi to you."

I nodded and waved bye and he scurried out of the room. I put the compass on my belt, about a minute later General Roveter came in and set down a rough sketch of the bandit camp.

"Wester you were supposed to be in this room an hour ago, that's valuable time we could have used."

"I know I'm sorry I went sightseeing, we have around an hour before sunset,'' I replied

"Let's be quick, I wanna complete this operation tonight." he said in a commanding voice

We went over the plan to attack this base but something felt off about the base. The dimensions were off, I know this land very well, and the way the base was shaped and how long the walls were virtually impossible. I made a mental note but didn't say anything 

"You got the plan?" The general said sternly

But before I was able to reply guards rushed into the room "Sir we are being attacked by bandits. They are well organized and have great numbers. We need to evacuate you and the prince immediately."

We grabbed our gear in a rush, and we all sprinted toward the emergency exits. was the woman from earlier a bandit? Why are a bunch of bandits trying to save me? 

We reached an emergency exit then 3 bandits rushed in from the exit. We all stopped and drew our weapons. Suddenly two of the guards escorting me killed the other surrounding guards leaving Rovester and I the only ones left standing.

"YOU DAMN TRAITORS. He yelled out "Me and you Wester we can take all of them"

He turned his back to me, suddenly my head started pounding. I felt the urge to kill him, I had a voice in my head. It kept whispering in my ear to kill him, I did as it said I struck my sword right through him. He fell to his knees and dropped his weapon. I looked down at him as fell beneath me. Then I looked up and saw at the end of the hallway, Hymay standing there sword in hand stunned at what just happened.

"Wait Hymay I'm so-"

But before I was able to finish one of the bandits quickly reacted and cast an explosive spell which collapsed the ceiling blocking off the hallway to the emergency exit. The bandits quickly led me out of the castle. When we stepped outside it was loud with fighting and it smelt like fire and death. We were at the side of the castle where there was an entrance to the woods. All the guards protecting that area had already been killed and there was a carriage waiting there for us.

"Who are you guys?" I demand

"We are the Crazen Republic Prince Jarion, here to take back our land and put an end to the Vastors rule."

The man who said that was a 6'3 man, white, with snow-white hair, and dark nut-brown eyes. I have never seen this man before.

He stood tall and said, "Get on the carriage I'll explain everything in a while."

I did as he said. I guess I'll find out when they take me wherever I'm going.

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