Something About This Woman...

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"I want one to be named the Goldenrod and the other the Harbinger."

"Yes, sir I will get them inscribed after I finish with them. Good luck on your battle tomorrow, Stay strong and remain calm."

After she said that she grabbed a crate and carried it to the woman. The woman grabbed it and started heading to the entrance. I decided I was gonna follow and offer my help.

We exited the tent "Hey, want me to carry that for you?" I offered

    Her face went into a shocked state but then she calmly said "Sure, thank you so much it's a little heavy."

She handed me the crate and signaled me to follow her. We walked towards the back of the camp where all the storage went in this giant tent. We walked in and it was just the two of us.

"Thank you again, you didn't have to do that."

"No it's fine I wanted to."

    I gave an awkward smile and she looked at me and blushed.

"My name is Atrella by the way," she said smiling at me

"Hi Atrella, I'm sure you know who I am," I said jokingly

She laughed and said, "you're the brave Prince Jarian who is gonna liberate the land from the Vastors."

"Do you believe that?" I asked

    But before she could answer, a 6'2 man with well-kept Freeldan Iron armor with a Crazen Golden cross on his chest plate and his helmet walked in.

"The general is looking for the both of you." he said with a deep intimidating voice

    We both got up and started walking towards the command tent.

On the way, I asked, "who is that guy?"

"No one knows his real name, everyone just calls him 'The Warden'."

We arrived at the command tent, It was sunset. We walked into the tent the General spotted us immediately

"Perfect that you two were together, Atrella you will be part of the castle assault crew and you will not leave The Prince's side."

"Yes Sir," she said while putting her arm across her shoulder.

She got assigned to my battalion, I get to see her in action, and fight alongside her.

"Warden will be joining you two as well. Now all of you retire to your quarters and try to get some sleep. Long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Atrella and I left together and I decided to walk her back to the tent.

"Thank you for taking me back to my tent, your Majesty."

"You can just call me Jarian, You are gonna be my bodyguard tomorrow."

"I don't know if I can do that, the general is pretty strict about paying respect to you."

"Respect is earned," I said with seriousness in my voice, "Tomorrow I will prove that I'm fit to be king."

She looked at me with a concerned expression, she went to grab my hand but stopped herself

"You don't need to prove yourself to me." She said with a genuine smile on her face

We arrived at her tent and she gave me a very playful look with her eyes "I'll see you tomorrow your majesty."

She went into her tent. I stood there for a bit, there was something about that woman. She had a very familiar presence to her. She reminded me of someone I knew from the training camp at Bone Breaker Mountain.

I regained thought and started heading towards my tent. I need to focus on the war and have no distractions.

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