Chapter 2

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Optimus made the announcement immediately after discussing a plan with the three Galaxian's that stuck around. The three would rotate shifts staying in the lab. Grimlock agreed to stay round the clock outside, sharing shifts with whoever would volunteer to sit with him while Ratchet, Preceptor, Skyfire and Wheeljack worked tirelessly to try and shut down, or delay the transformation longer.

For four days, they came up empty handed.

Jazz paced in front of the pod anxiously as the timer clicked down the final minutes. Trailbreaker there with him, and the entire Autobot army outside the doors in waves ready encase they couldn't talk down the occupant of the prison.

"Formation complete." Trailbreaker shifted into his Galaxian form immediately. The thrusters on his back rattling and buzzing low tones as the parts of the prison began to fold away, and his force field shooting around him and Jazz in an instant. Am EMP shattered the lights, took out the power, and shattered his shield in seconds. Silence reigned over the room, until a ripple of gold flowed up a frame admits the darkness and smoke in front of them.

"What—" Jazz said softly. Trailbreaker covered his mouth. The pair watching the transformation take place. A deep inhale filled the room, and Trailbreaker's optics widened.

"Oh shit—" a shrill scream filled the room, dropping the pair with identical screams of agony as the supersonic attack rampaged through their audios and systems. Scrambling their circuits and abilities in seconds.

The frame lunged past their down forms, gold light filling in the seam of the lab's door and forcing it wide with a force shield identical to Trailbreaker's. Grimlock's Dinosaur form filled the doorway with downed bots. Mirage covering Hound protectively as the Dyno Galaxian roared back at the form behind the wall, challenging their screech that knocked the first wave out in seconds. Another ripple of transformation, and a variant of his form roared back, lunging past the barrier as it shut behind them.

Mirage watched mortified as the two clashed in a flurry of sparks. Trying desperately to get glimpses of the other Galaxian as the pair collided and tore at each other. Spilling the precious pink liquid that ran both race's lifelines. He got flares of black, gold, silver, red, and what he was sure was brown or copper in their fight. A frame sailed over his head and landed behind him. The glow of energon and the slow heaving of the frame identified him as Grimlock. He snapped his gaze to the winner, rippling his invisibility over himself and hound as the variant roared in triumph. The same golden ripple appeared, shifting the frame back to a smaller size.

Seconds later, he felt a servo on his wrist, and he was dragged down the hall protesting as the other mecha took off running again.

"Get!" Mirage planted his peds, and hauled the opposing force up over his head, "off!" He pivoted, slamming the frame into the ground, and pulling a sharp gasp of pain from the frame.

He stilled immediately at the familiar vocal tone from the hiss of pain.

He knew that voice.

"Run," she gasped pushing herself up. Her optics brightened in rage, the copper lenses flaring to orange as the optical guard transformed away. "I will drag you through this base if I have to!"

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