Chapter 4

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Raven glanced down at the cuffs on her wrists and tried to twist her wrists to ease the unbearable squeeze that held them in place. She wasn't successful at all, and she ducked her head when the white and red bot—Redalert, according to a brief flare of Sunstreaker's voice snarling the name, flinched at her attempted movements. Blue sparks flared from his dual audio horns, and Windcharger raised Raven a little higher in the air with his magnetic ability.

Raven sunk a little in on herself as they kept moving and allowed her optics to dim to sort through the forty-eight hours of brief information she had gotten from Sunstreaker. While Sunstreaker would have access to Raven's last 48 hours, she was sure he didn't have the same practice at retrieving that information that she did. Not that he'd find much. Considering the last forty-eight hours she remembers were nothing but darkness and chaos.

Raven shut her optics off, delving deeper into the snippets she had been shared. It didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. Recharge, refuel, monitor duty—he seemed to spend most of that time reading something on a data pad—she didn't recognize the language. Then a brief break in a main room with the snarl of Redalert's name, along with a couple others. Before going for a drive, accompanied by a small yellow mech—Bumblebee, Raven hummed lightly in understanding of the name and face, along with his twin. One of the names Sunstreaker didn't snarl.

Nothing happened for them, and soon Raven watched through Sunstreaker's optics as he returned, refuelled, sat for several hours outside of a room with a tall mech of silver, yellow and red. Raven's optics flared online brightly in realization before they dimmed back down when Redalert flinched again.

Another Galaxian? Raven allowed the small frown to tug at her face plates. Trailbreaker mentioned several here. But for one to be in plain sight... and a Ro-rax at that? The site of the causal existence of the pair in the memory only served to confuse Raven further.

If a Ro-rax can just be out in plain site without disguising themselves... Does that mean only some of them are hidden? Raven regarded the pair escorting her down the hall, and the sinking feeling in her tanks. I hope I can speak to Trailbreaker or Mirage soon. Answers are more of a help then a distraction at this point in time. The final turn answered her already silent plea. She spotted Trailbreaker waiting outside of the double doors ahead of them, alongside with Ro-rax that stood tall in the distance. The blue sparking on Redalert died down as they approached.

"Keep an eye on her," Redalert said sharply. Trailbreaker materialized his force field around Raven, following Windcharger's magnetizing powers deactivating. "She was unnecessarily chatty with the twins earlier. They've been weird all day." Raven's optics flashed in alarm, matching Trailbreaker's brief flare. "I'll be questioning them later."

"Didn' know the pair could speak the old language," the Ro-rax said gruffly shrugging off the concern Redalert emitted. "Good luck gettin' either a them to talk."

"If they know what's good for them, they will." Redalert said sharply. Raven turned to the mech slowly, optics bright with her emotions. Trailbreaker closed the field around her when she moved towards Redalert with a small sneer.

"You leave them alone," she snarled in Galaxian giving a light beat of her cuffs against the field. He flinched back, and Raven disregarded his grab of his weapon. "Wanting to learn isn't a bad thing!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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