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Jordan sighed.

Why wouldn't his witchery stuff work? He had thrown everything in, that it needed. This was the third time he was going to try it.

"So, I need to throw in all of this, and it should go poof, right?" He asked himself.

He threw everything again, and it still didn't work.

"God damnit! I'm done," he grumbled.

"Twinkle Thighs, you need to throw the items in order. The book should tell 'ya," A voice rang through the silence.

"Dianite," Jordan groaned, "have you been watching the entire time?"

"Maybe," Dianite snickered.

"Whatever. I'm leaving. I need more supplies, anyway." Jordan walked over and jumped up the elevator.


"Sister, I know you're here," Dianite said. He was still residing in Jordan's witchery basement.

"Hm. You were always good at sensing my presence," Ianite chuckled.

Dianite only let out a slight laugh.

"You should try and comfort him. He needs it right now. It might let him know how you feel about him," Ianite winked, and gave him a smile.

"What's wrong with him?" Dianite asked, concern showing through his voice.

"His friends are laughing at him. He told them how he couldn't get his witchery stuff right, and they started to make fun of it."

"That's quite rude. Wait- how do you know how I feel about him?"

"Let's just say a little owl told me so. You should go now, before he shuts himself away."

"You're so lucky that you're my sister. I shall take my leave now, though. Goodbye," Dianite said, and vanished.

Ianite smirked to herself. Dianite could be such a love-sick puppy some days.


"Oh, Sparkley Bum, what's the matter?" Dianite asked. He had found Jordan sitting on the roof of the Fortress of Fury. He had a sad look on his face, and Dianite made sure to smite whomever upset his love.

"Nothing," Jordan snarled.

"C'mon. Don't lie to me. Now, who upset you?"

He hadn't expected to get a response. "Everyone. Especially Tom. I told them how none of my witchery rituals would work, and they laughed." Dianite heard a faint sniffle.

"Its alright, Sparklez. If they laugh again, I'll smite them, alright?"

Jordan nodded. Dianite materialized, and sat next to him. They sat there for a few minutes, watching the sunset, when Dianite felt a slight pressure on his shoulder. Jordan was laying his head there, and his eyes were starting to droop.

"C'mere," Dianite cooed, and pulled Jordan onto his lap. He started to comb through Jordan's hair, untangling the parts that were tangled.

"I love you, Sparkley Bum," Dianite whispered.

"Really?" He heard a sleepy voice ask him.

"Yeah. You're so cute when you're frustrated with everything," Dianite said, smiling.

"Thanks. I love you, too. You can be so mischievous," Jordan said.

Dianite looked down at his sleeping love, and smiled.


Hope you guys enjoyed this fluffy one-shot! DiaSparklez is one of my favorite ships, so I like doing one-shots about it :3

This is for the large amount of people who requested it, too XD

And let's just pretend that Dianite can materialize for short amounts of time.

Do feel free to request some one-shots :D


The Sparkly Book of Mianite One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now