Chapter 14 ~ lost your memories?

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Today, she was very strange

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Today, she was very strange. She knows how to cook well. She's an expert in it since her childhood. But, what happened to her now. Her food tasted like a raw blended ginger.

The fact that she blended rice alone to make dosa. Blended cabbage, ginger and green chilli to make chutney.. did she do it intentionally?

Mother was cursing her a lot which I was reluctant to listen. She locked her up inside her room since morning. I noticed her peeking the dining table which was just 10 feet away from her room.

Hungry, princess?

She was hesitating to come towards the dining table as mother was sitting here literally scolding her badly. She thinks I'm mad at her. Indeed. I'm mad. A lot mad. But, is that bad that I couldn't get angry when I see her face?

"Mother, father should be looking for you. I will send you off.", I said and she nodded.

I sent her off till the entrance ordering my workers not to let Thara inside the kitchen. Because, she has to explain me something. I know she wouldn't explain me anything after having her lunch. It's better I blackmail her.

After mother left, I came back yo dining hall and saw her arguing with the workers to let her in.

"I ordered them not to let you in. The person you should argue is not them. It's me.", I said as she looked at me.

"I'm hungry. Please, Arjun.", She pleased me with her puppy eyes.

"Stop it. You think I'd give you food after you fed me that garbage?"

"Which garbage? Oh- you're mentioning the food I've cooked morning. I don't know to cook."

"Don't test my patience. I know you could cook better than my kitchen maids."

"The person you know might know to cook well. But, I don't know."

"You're testing my patience again and again, princess. Don't make me punish you."

"I promise. You know how hard it was to cook today morning with an headache? Yet, you threw my food."

"Please don't call that food."

"It was hard to cook with a headache.", She repeated her sentence.

"And it was hard to swallow your garbage too..", I said back.

"I'm sorry.", She said and looked at the tasty food at the table. I wanted to let her eat. But, I hadn't got enough explanation yet.

"What happened to you, princess? Did you lose your memory or something? Or have you gone crazy?", I asked because her behaviour is completely changed recently.

She doesn't even talk back when main consort and Aarthi scolds her. She was very innocent. She always bow infront of mother. But, where did the attitude come all of sudden?

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