Chapter 38 ~ Sulking

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It's night and Arjun isn't back yet

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It's night and Arjun isn't back yet. Tamizh was waiting like an eagle to hunt him down. He was angry that he was about to slap me.

"Calm down..", I said to Tamizh which he completely ignored.

"Fighting is something that is most common in marriage life. They are the one who's married and they are the one who should sort out their problems. I don't think it's a good idea to intrude in their life.", Father said and Tamizh sighed.

"So, you're saying to keep quiet when he's abusing the Princess of this kingdom. Who knows? Maybe, he's doing this because we're cholas and this dynasty is greater than his-"

"He doesn't. He is a good gentle man.", Father said.

"You're the one who convinced me to marry him. And, here you are, saying he's not perfect for me.", I said.

"If you have married that old man, you would've suffered more. Isn't it better than that life?", He was definitely justifying his words.

"Yes it is. But, is there any other way than accepting this life?"

"If we don't warm him now, he will continue to do this.", He said. I think it's definitely right about some people but about Arjun.... I can't tell it properly.

Arjun entered the house while Tamizh got up to argue. I was really scared of this even though my father is present to stop their fight.

"Why the hell did you raise your hands on her?", Tamizh asked and I looked at Arjun who was staring at me.

"Why did you tell our personal stuff to him? There's something like privacy, remember?", Arjun asked me.

"He asked me what you said in the room and I-"

"And you told him everything right? Let it be anything. Our fights, our pleasant memories everything should be private and need not be told to everyone.", He said and I agreed to it.

"Just shut up. Just because she's married doesn't mean she's not my sister. Just tell me why you raised your hands at her."

"I didn't tell or never will tell she's not your sister. We will fight and get back together later. What concerns you?", He asked and Tamizh was gritting his teeth in anger.

"Yeah you can fight but who gave you the rights to raise your hands? Remember you're at my palace. You're lucky you're a guest or I would've-"

"Tamizh, can you just stop it. You shouldn't talk like this to our guest. He's your brother-in-law for God's sake. Respect him.", Father warned him.

"So, you're problem is that I'm a guest here, right? Then I'm leaving right now!", He said and my eyes widened.

"What are you-", before I could finish my sentence, he held my hand walking towards the entrance.

"If you want to leave, leave alone. Let go of my sister.", Tamizh yelled.

"Apologise to him!", Father yelled to Tamizh.

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