Chapter 16 ~ Cold

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He was happy

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He was happy. Happy after I gifted him the kada. I was happy for that too. I saw three ladies gossiping about me when I knocked Arjun's door. I assume they're the concubines of him.

It was lunch. Time easily passed as I went for a good shopping. I went to the dining table as Arjun was sitting in the middle and those three ladies fighting to serve him food.

I took a seat beside Arjun as I felt the heating gaze of them on me.

"I won't serve anyone except who I ought to serve.", One of the girl said and others nodded.

What's wrong with them?

After they finished serving food for Arjun, I got up trying to serve food myself before a hand caught my wrist. It was Arjun. I shot him a confusing glare.

He got up from his seat making me sit. He served me food careful not to include beans.

I think I'm alergic of beans. Do I?

The three woman was staring at me and was burning in jealousy.

"What are you doing, your highness? You're not supposed to-", one of the girl said and he cuts her off with an angry glare and she shuts.

He didn't stop with food. He poured water from the jar and kept the glass near my plate.

"Thank you", I mumbled and he smiled.

We startee eating so did the three girls. Their stare was only one me which was disturbing.

"Stop looking at her like that.", Arjun said with his gaze at only his food. They focused on their food leaving me alone.

I finished my food and got up from my seat washing my hand. We sat in the couch in living room. Arjun was looking like a Greek God. Every time I look at him, I wonder how someone could be so handsome.

When I read my history book, I always get a feeling that the kings in ancient time will look old and ugly. But, seeing him, everything change. He changed everything.

He started coughing and sneezing. He's even handsome when suffering from cold. Red nose, red eyes, the way he licks his lips...

"Can I know what are you staring at?", His voice came over. The fact which embarrasses me is the three women was here sitting with us.

"It's just that you have cold. Shall I suggest a remedy?", I asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry, main consort. We already have a remedy. You should rest. Because you are tired of travelling the whole day and shopping on the market for hourse spending time for literally nothing..", she mocked me.

"Yes. She's a clear useless main consort.", The other said and it was embarassing.

"Can you just stop this? Can't you see I have cold? Chitra, go and heat the water. Ganga and Mohana, go and get herbs to cure cold and a blanket.", He ordered and everyone left.

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