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She had a very bad day so anokhi decided to take a very long walk back to her apartment after last classes ended in college campus
She was extremely so sad to the point she wouldn't stop crying badly only because miss shagun kapoor yelled at her in front of the whole class today in very bad manner for unknown reason to everyone

Anokhi was even aware that Shagun once tried to push her from the stairs in break but someone saved her in the right moment and time that day from getting hurt or injured , she never really know why shagun was always super hateful towards her

was it was because anokhi was being loved and spoiled by everyone including the whole sabehrwall family clan ?or was it related to something else ?Something that no one knows about, perhaps maybe a very dirty dark hidden secret that didn't only sh...

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was it was because anokhi was being loved and spoiled by everyone including the whole sabehrwall family clan ?
or was it related to something else ?
Something that no one knows about, perhaps maybe a very dirty dark hidden secret that didn't only shake anokhi and one another individual world to the core , it change their life for ever after they found out about it in very heart breaking way ,


Flash back to the past , five years back were it all started and how it forever affected 4 people life in both negative and posative way


Shaurya was getting all dressed up + ready in the morning to go to college for his usual lectures before new year holiday , he was so excited because he made plan's for both him and his wife shagun for new year , then out of no were he get a call from his phone , a call that will either break him or make him even way stronger than before


                5 years ago on 2018


Shaurya + someone phone conversation

Shaurya :Hello Someone :Hi there Someone :Are you mr sabehrwall Shaurya :Yes its me Shaurya :Who is this ?Shaurya :Do i know you ?Someone :No you don'tSomeone :But pretty soon you will Shaurya :Who the fuck is this Shaurya :How did you get my numb...

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Shaurya :
Someone :
Hi there
Someone :
Are you mr sabehrwall
Shaurya :
Yes its me
Shaurya :
Who is this ?
Shaurya :
Do i know you ?
Someone :
No you don't
Someone :
But pretty soon you will
Shaurya :
Who the fuck is this
Shaurya :
How did you get my number ?
Someone :
Don't worry mr sabehrwall i mean well
Shaurya :
Get to the point
Shaurya :
What do you want ?
Someone :
As i told you
Someone :
You'll know everything very soon
Someone :
If you wanna know who im
Someone :
Come to the bridge near kapurtalah at 8 am
Someone :
Don't be late
Someone :
I'll wait for you there
Shaurya :
What makes you think I'll be there ?
Someone :
I know you will and im very sure of it to
Shaurya :
And why are you so sure ?
Someone :
Because it has something to do with shagun
Shaurya :
Who the fuck are you
Shaurya :
And how do you know my wife
Someone :
I know a lot of things that you're unaware of
Someone :
its time you know the real truth
Shaurya :
What are you talking about ?
Someone :
You deserve to know the whole truth about her
Shaurya :
What truth ?
Someone :
You'll everything know when we meet up
Someone :
I promise you wont regret it
Shaurya :
Who are you ?
im ashish bhardhwaj
Shaurya :
I don't know anyone with this name
Person :
im you're well wisher
Person :
Thats all you need to know about for now

The call ends .....

Will shaurya go meet him or ignore ?


Back to the present

After anokhi ballah finally reached the building were she lives far away from college and praying eyes , she pressed the elevator button in anger still crying while waiting for it to open , She was fuming in hell of anger to the point she kicked the elevator door so hard it left a mark 

unknown to her she was being followed and watched by someone near by , it was someone in black hoodie and blue jeenz with a mask covering half of his face right behind her as she went inside the elevator still in hot teers

his eyes were glint with something unknown , something dangerous and intensity as he carefully watched anokhi with a very sweet smile while she was cursing miss shagun in banglie which made him brast out laughing loudly as he stood behind her insi...

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his eyes were glint with something unknown , something dangerous and intensity as he carefully watched anokhi with a very sweet smile while she was cursing miss shagun in banglie which made him brast out laughing loudly as he stood behind her inside the elevator

He adored how she looked super cute when shes angry with her long hair opened , he couldn't help but lean down to smell her sweet scant , it smelled so fresh like tropical mixed fruit with lime shampoo , her super soft milky skin was doing something else to him as he took a few step forward towards her until shes just a breath away from him now

Note :
She was now very aware of him being with her inside in same elevator after she heard him laugh loudly , she know exactly who that hot special individual was standing behind her 😉😋😈

_____________________Note :She was now very aware of him being with her inside in same elevator after she heard him laugh loudly , she know exactly who that hot special individual was standing behind her 😉😋😈

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even tho the elevator was huge , the walls were now starting to close in , there were barley enough room to contain the both of them together as he Lean's in closer just enough for anokhi to feel the heat rediating from his body and go crazy from his fresh fragrance that was driving her hot when he leaned to kiss her shoulder + neck while his front was facing her back the whole time

his wet kisses were making anokhi knee go week and feel wet heat between her legs as he turned her around to face him just so he could steal passionate hot open_closed mouth kisses from her and making her moan so loudly in his mouth in response to his touchs , he then cupped her face with both of his hands and rub his nose with hers finally making anokhi smile from his cute antics


With love
Heaven Ahmed ❤

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