our heart beats as one ❤

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As shaurya bent down to anokhi level on the sofa he took both of her hands then placed them on his chest were his heart is while staring at her with pure love and care , he felt more then joy when ever she happy and safe is around him all day

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As shaurya bent down to anokhi level on the sofa he took both of her hands then placed them on his chest were his heart is while staring at her with pure love and care , he felt more then joy when ever she happy and safe is around him all day


Shaurya :
You see this beating heart anokhi ?!
( pointed to his heart with her fingers )
Shaurya :
it only beats for you
Shaurya :
And you only my beloved
Shaurya :
You're the reason i feel alive again
Shaurya :
im smiling again because of you after so long
Anokhi :
( kissed his chest were his heart was 💋😘 )
Anokhi :
You're my strength shaurya
Anokhi :
Without you i don't know were I'd be
Anokhi :
You gave me hope that there are good people in this world when i thought there wasn't
Anokhi :
im glad and grateful you made me damp arnaav that evening in you're cabin
Shaurya :
( he cupped her cheeks )
Shaurya :
You have no idea how happy i was when you kicked him out of you're life for good
Anokhi :
It wasn't easy ps
Anokhi :
Arnaav did everything in his power to hurt me anyway he sow fit even after i left him
Anokhi :
i don't know what would have happened if you didn't came to my rescue and save me that night from him ps
Anokhi :
i was so scared as hell
Shaurya :
Shhhhhhhhh baby
Shaurya :
You're safe now my love


    Flash back on shaurya cabin that night

Arnaave :
Were the hell are you anokhi ?
( he shouted as he looked for her )
Anokhi :
( gets scared )
Shaurya :
Go break up with him
Shaurya :
now is youre chance anokhi to be happy
Shaurya :
This is you're chance to free yourself from his bullshit and abuse
Anokhi :
im scared shaurya sir
Anokhi :
You don't know how his like
Shaurya :
Don't be scared anokhi
Shaurya :
im right here
Shaurya :
What ever happens don't back down
Shaurya :
i want you to break up with him for good
Anokhi :
What if he hurm me 😭
Shaurya :
Look at me anokhi
( he cupped her cheeks )
Shaurya :
Can you trust me please ?
Anokhi :
Nods her head yes
( she was in teers )
Shaurya :
Now listen to me very carefully
Shaurya :
i want you to provoke him as much as you can
Shaurya :
so he will make a mistake and get punishment for all his bad deeds
Anokhi :
What do you mean sir
Anokhi :
i don't understand
Shaurya :
He Tells her his plan
Shaurya :
i wont let him hurt you please trust me
Anokhi :
will you protect me ?
( she was in teers and crying ) 😭
Shaurya :
( He pulled her for a tight hug )
Shaurya :
i promise i will anokhi
Shaurya :
you have my word
Shaurya :
Just do as i tell you
Shaurya :
You deserve someone better then him
Anokhi :
Like who ?
Shaurya :
Stayed hash hash and didn't answer her
Shaurya :
This will be the last time he touchs you
( He spoke in possasive tone )
Shaurya :
He will never do such thing again
Anokhi :
Nods her head and goes out to face arnaav

                 Their conversation

Anokhi :
We need to talk arnaav
Arnaav :
Ohh There you are
Arnaav :
Talk fast i got somewhere else to be
Anokhi :
Like were ?
Arnaav :
None of youre concern
Anokhi :
im leaving you arnaav
Anokhi :
Let breakup this second
Arnaaav :
Wait what ?
Arnaav :
Did i hear you right ?
Arnaav :
What did you just say to me ?
Anokhi :
i said im leaving you arnaav
Anokhi :
im done with you're bullshit
Arnaav :
That will never happen 😤😡😠
Arnaav :
i wont let you leave me
Anokhi :
Watch me do it
Arnaav :
What makes you think I'll allow it ?
Anokhi :
i don't care what you think arnaav
Anokhi :
im done with you mistreating me badly
( she was hiding her feer )
Arnaav :
How dare you think you can leave me ?! 😡😤
Anokhi :
How dare you think you can hurt me as you please
Anokhi :
if you ever cared and loved me arnaav
Anokhi :
You would never abuse me this way
Anokhi :
i deserve better then this
Arnaave :
Did you just answer back to me ?
Anokhi :
So if i did !? 😑😒
Anokhi :
What are you going to do about it ?
Arnaaav :

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