altemet betrayal 💔

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Past day in the bridge


     Shaurya + aashish conversation

Aashish :
So you came mr sabehrwal ?
Shaurya :
Whats the meaning of this ?
Shaurya :
Why did you call me here ?
Aashish :
Aashish :
I just wanna talk
Shaurya :
What was it you wanted to tell me ?
Aashish :
its something related to you're wife
Aashish :
Its about shagun kapoor
Shaurya :
Her name is shagun shaurya sabehrwal
Shaurya :
Shes my wife
Aashish :
Of 13 years ?!
Aashish :
I know
Shaurya :
is she in some kind of trouble ?
Aashish :
Not yet but she will be soon
Shaurya :
Whats that supposed to mean ?
Aashish :
i know you love her more then anything
Aashish :
But i don't think you will after knowing you're wife real identity
Shaurya :
Get to the point
Shaurya :
What do you want ?
Aashish :
( he hands shaurya closed ✉
Shaurya :
Whats this ?
Aashish :
i know you'd never believe my words
Aashish :
So i had to bring Prof with me
Shaurya :
in shock and horror when he sees whats in it

This was in it ↡ lots of clear pics of shagun & arnaav together

Aashish :im doing this because you have right to knowShaurya :( boiling in anger ) 😤🔥😡😠

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Aashish :
im doing this because you have right to know
Shaurya :
( boiling in anger ) 😤🔥😡😠

Aashish :i know whats on you're mind Aashish :That why am i telling you all this ?Shaurya :What do you gain from all of this ?Aashish :Revenge mr sabehrwalShaurya :From me or her ?Aashish :From you're wife Shaurya :( still boiling and heartbroken ...

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Aashish :
i know whats on you're mind
Aashish :
That why am i telling you all this ?
Shaurya :
What do you gain from all of this ?
Aashish :
Revenge mr sabehrwal
Shaurya :
From me or her ?
Aashish :
From you're wife
Shaurya :
( still boiling and heartbroken )
Aashish :
if you don't believe me still
Aashish :
i can tell you were you're wife is right now
Shaurya :
She' is with her friends shopping
Aashish :
No she isn't
Shaurya :
Then were is she ? 😤😡😠
Aashish :
At this hotel in Goa
Shaurya :
Wait ! Whatttt ?
Shaurya :
Did you say goa ?
Aashish :
I know you thought she was in the mall
Shaurya :
How do you know all this ?
Aashish :
i can prov im not making it up
Shaurya :
Why are yoy telling me all of this ?
Aashish :
As i told you
Aashish :
i want revenge from her
Shaurya :
This must be a mistake
Shaurya :
Shagun wouldn't do this to me
Shaurya :
You're lying
Aashish :
i can take you to were shes at right now
Aashish :
This way you can find out if im lying or not
Shaurya :
My shagun wouldn't hurt me this way
Aashish :
She would
Aashish :
because she's done it before
Shaurya :
What do you mean ?
Aashish :
She was going to marry someone i know
Ashish :
But the second that someone run out of money , she didn't need him anymore
Shaurya :
Are you saying she married me for wealth ?
Aashish :
Yes im sure of it
Shaurya :
in shock
Aashish :
The man she was supposed to marry died because of her
Aashish :
He was my older brother who took his own life because she left him to marry you
Shaurya :
( listen quietly )
Aashish :
The worse part is she wasn't even sorry
Aashish :
As if that wasn't enough
Aashish :
now shes having a fling with someone else fiance to
Shaurya :
Who is he ? 😤😠😡🔥💥
Aashish :
Someone called arnaav
Aashish :
His a student in you're college to
Shaurya :
Whaaaaaaat the fuck 😤😡😠🔥💥
Aashish :
You & his fiancee deserve better then this
Shaurya :
i want his name now 😡😡😡😡💥🔥
Aashish :
You'll have it don't worry
Shaurya :
How long has this been happening ?
Aashish :
Very long
Shaurya :
What prof do you have :
Aashish :
Come with me I'll show you
Shaurya :
Were are we going ?
Aashish :
To the hotel room were she is with him
Shaurya :
im going to kill them both
Aashish :
No you wont
Aashish :
Calm down mr sabehrwall
Aashish :
You don't deserve to go to jail for her
Aashish :
By the way i informed his fiancee about it to
Shaurya :
What was her reaction ?
Aashish :
Shes waiting for us in that hotel lobby
Aashish :
Shes a top student in you're college to
Shaurya :
Not it hits him who aashish was talking about
Shaurya :
Are you referring to that girl anokhi ?
Aashish :
Yes her

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