shakhi personal loss

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warning ⚠🔥🔞💦 , steamy mature content ahead , read at you're own risks , anyone less then tha age of 20 please stay away from my stories only because i don't want to be responsible for you're bad behavior , any bad or rude comments well get blocked or ignore


note :

this fun fiction is not based on true event , it all just from imagenation or request from a reader to write it down , therefore if its not you're cup of tea then walk away and don't report it , its that simple , i only write for fun because i love shakhi and saakk show like crazy , its not my intentions to hurt anyone feelings in anyway nor form , i write shakhi steamy ff because normal plene ff are so boring to read sometimes to me so i wanted to try something dark + new that was never showen in tha show , if you don't like it then stay out of my account and any ff stories i write without reporting it because its note fair that i write all day then find my writing is gone , 😘 so lets start my angel readers  ....


flash back when shaurya sabherwal and his uncle alok drove around looking for his anokhi after she went missing from college campus for several hours , they both were extremely worried and looked everywhere for her while tej filed a missing person report with ahier at tha police department station while both devi and tha rest of tha family member clan waited for any new update of anokhi ballah whereabouts , shaurya heart was fearfully at its peak as time passed by with no news of his precious girlfriend and tha love of his life
until his uncle alok spotted some goon's in tha meddle of no were kicking a helpless girl in tha face and stomach hard as they can and try to rape her were tha tree near by , and to both of shaurya and alok horror that girl was none other then his anokhi who was now fighting them of of her with every straight she had in her screaming loudly as she could while one of them step on her stomach not aware that she was pregnant with a child she didn't know of yet , they only stopped when they heard shaurya and alok coming their way to beat them up black and blue only 4 one of tha goon's to threatened them that he would cut anokhi throat without thinking twice about it if they got closer



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