Makeout Sessions

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Lizzie and I were invited to a party Robert hosted, he's literally Tony Stark in real life but he just doesn't fly around in a gold-titanium alloy suit. We arrived at his house and immediately we can smell the smell of alcohol already. Luckily his house wasn't too crowded because only the Marvel cast was invited. We entered his house and was greeted with a drunk Scarlett.

"Hey! About time! Was thinking you guys were having your own fun at home, if you know what I mean." She winked. "Scarlett, get your drunk head out of the gutter. Someone took so long to pick what to wear." Lizzie said, looking at me. "Really? Whatever Imma get some drinks." I walked away to get our drinks.

It started off with just one or two drinks but here we are, drunk off our asses, grinding on each other on the dance floor. The way her back pushes into my front just makes me want to pin her onto the wall and take away her ability to walk, but for now, a makeout session will do.

I grab her wrist and drag her to the nearest empty room, the pantry. I gently but firmly pin her to the shelf and place my lips on hers, swiping my tongue on her bottom lip asking to enter her mouth but she denies. I grab her throat and gently choke her, enough to earn a moan from her. I use this opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth and our tongues meet, dancing with each other. Lizzie's hands go from my head to the hem of my shirt asking to remove it. Holy crap, are we seriously going to have sex in Robert Downey Jr's pantry?

"OH MY GOD!! YOU GUYS GET A ROOM!!" Robert bursts in, covering his eyes. Lizzie hides her face in the crook of my neck, embarrassed. "Well we did have one til you barged in." I say, blushing a bit. "Anyways, we're going to go home and have the time of our lives." I wink at Robert.


Lizzie and I were lying down on our bed watching
Stranger Things, catching up and getting ready for season 4. From time to time, I would feel Lizzie's eyes on me but I'd pretend I didn't know. But it came to a time where she was full on staring at me, studying my face. "I can feel you staring." I look at her "I'm not staring, I'm admiring."

She leans in, her lips brushing on yours. The TV show now forgotten, she kissed you. Every kiss with Lizzie felt like you were in heaven, you never wanted to pull back. Her fingers tangling through your hair, tugging on it a little, earning a small moan from you. You both pulled away to catch both our breaths, her admiring you at the same time. She kissed you again with so much emotion, your hands cupping her face. Her hands on your waist guiding you to straddle her.

We both pulled away to catch our breaths again, "I'm so in love with you." She says out of breath. You blushed, not knowing what to say. "I love you, princess." She smirked, she only ever uses that nickname to hint that she wants to...explore your chamber of secrets? You get what I mean. "I love you too, so much." and with that, a wild night started. May we bless the neighbour's ears.

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