Jealousy Jealousy

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Lizzie and I went to a club with the Marvel cast, no reason, just because we were feeling it. When we stepped inside, Scarlett, Hemsworth and Evans were already running to go get some shots. Lizzie and I were the ones driving them back home tonight so we couldn't drink too much, maybe one or two shots only. We found our tables. I was with Lizzie, Scarlett and the two Chris's. The other table had Zendaya, Holland, Anthony and Sebastian, imagine the arguments in that table. And the last table had Jeremy, Mark, Benedict, Bettany and Robert.

Scarlett and the two Chris's came back with our shots and laid them out on the table, Scarlett giving Lizzie and I four shots. "Um Scarlett, we're on driving duty so we can't drink too much." She looks at us in disbelief "Come on! Be more fun! We'll just get an uber!" Evans took the shot glasses and put it in front of him "It's okay, I'll have it." I look at him, he nods his head saying he wants to. We all took our shot, wincing at the burning sensation that's going down my throat. "Woo! Let's dance!" Lizzie grabs me to the dance floor and we start dancing. 30 minutes later I felt like I had to pee "Lizzie, Imma go to the toilet. Don't go too far." She nods her head and I go to the toilet.

As I get out of the toilet, I'm looking for Lizzie. She's not in the same spot as I left her. I spot her a few moments later, talking to a girl. Most of the time I wouldn't mind her talking to someone else, but I could clearly see that they were flirting with each other. "How about your number?" I hear the woman say as I walk over to them. "Hey, babe! Who's this here?" I wrap my arm around Lizzie, the woman's face drops. "Oh! This is -random stranger's name- ." The woman glares at me and goes back to Lizzie "Anyway, about that number, still think I could get it?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes "And what will you talk about?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "We could hang out you know? And see if it becomes something more." She shrugs her shoulders. I look at her in anger "Uh, hello? Girlfriend, right here?" I point to myself, Lizzie looking at me in confusion as to why there's an angry tone in my voice. She looks me up and down then looks to Lizzie "You could do so much better." She walks away.

As I'm about to walk over to beat the shit out of that woman, Lizzie grabs my arm and drags me out of the club. "What was that?" Lizzie asks, a bit mad. "She literally said that you could do better! D'you think I'd just let her go?" I say, raising my voice a little. "Her words don't mean anything! Even if it did, you shouldn't go punching them for it!" I sigh and look down. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." She hugs me and says "I'm always right." We laugh. "It's just that I got a bit jealous. I saw you guys so lovey dovey with each other, I was afraid that what she said might be right." She pulls back and looks at me "Listen to me, no one could be better than you, okay?" I smile, "Okay." I kiss her. Few moments later, we pull back. I look at my watch and say "It's getting a bit late, let's drive these drunk bitches home." She nods "Sure, I can't wait to get home." She husks in my ear, biting my ear lobe. I had to suppress a moan, dear Lord. She walks away as if nothing happened. This woman will be the death of me.

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