A Backfired Prank

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Lizzie's POV

Y/n was outside with her friend while I stay at home bored, thinking about what to do. I thought about doing a prank on Y/n, but I didn't know what. Y/n has pranked me a lot of times and I never got payback so whatever prank I was going to do, it had to be brutal. Then my mind landed on one thing, a breakup prank. It was the perfect thing to do but my mind started doubting. What if she actually wanted to breakup with me? What if she confesses she's been faking her feelings for me all along? I pushed those thoughts aside as I said to myself, in my head, "If she does want to break up, it's her loss." Even though I'd get seriously hurt if she does want to.

"Honey! I'm home!" Y/n shouted, it's a thing she always does when she gets home. I walk down to the living room seeing as her face brightens up when she sees me, she walks over to me to hug me, show time Lizzie.


As i hug Lizzie, I can feel her tense around my touch. I frown, still hugging her but she hasn't hugged back yet. I pull back and ask "What's wrong? Are you okay?" She says nothing but leads me to the sofa. "I have to tell you something." She says, looking down. "Okay, it's okay. You can tell me anything, you know that right?" I say grabbing her hand but she pulls back. Oh no, did I do something wrong? "I want to break up."

What. I stare at her in shock, what? There's no way, she can't be breaking up with me right now. My mind travelling as fast as it has ever gone, I think about why she'd want to. It's literally so obvious that she loves me, the way she not-really-subtly stares at me, the way she hugs me like she'll never see me again, the way she kisses me as if I'm a drug and she's addicted, it just doesn't make sense. This has to be a prank, she's way to in love with me to break up with me. Now that I mention it, I have pranked her tons of times but she has never gotten payback yet, let's hope I'm correct.

Lizzie's POV

"Thank God." She says, a smile growing on her face. Oh shit, "I've been wanting to say that but I didn't know how, thank you for making it so easy to say it." I stare at her "What?" "I want to break up with you too, I just didn't know how to say it." She stands up. In panic, I grab her wrist. "Where you going?" "I'm gonna pack my bags, I can leave by the hour." She says, a massive smile on her face. Tears brewing up in my eyes, this cannot be happening right now.

I follow her upstairs to our bedroom, seeing her pack her bags. "No!" I say, my voice cracking. "What's wrong?" She asks, oblivious. "You can't go!" I say, tears streaming down my face. "But I can and I will. Why? I thought you wanted to break up?" She continues packing, I grab her hands to make her stop. "It was a prank! I don't want you to go!" I hug her tightly. "Don't go." My voice cracking.

"And that's why you don't prank me, especially something this brutal." What? I pull back, seeing a smile on her face. "What?" I wipe my tears, trying to compose myself. "D'you really think that you can escape me? Nah uh girl you staying with me your whole life." She says, grabbing tissues for me. "Take this as a lesson, to never prank me. Ever again."

I slap her arm "Don't do that! I thought I was gonna lose you!" I hug her tightly, tears streaming down my face at the thought of losing her. "Never." She hugs me back. "I love you and you're never escaping me. Mwuahahaha" She says in a deep voice trying to sound like a villain making me laugh. "You're still sleeping on the sofa." I say. "Dammit."

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