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Based on the song
Lover - Taylor Swift


We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January

"Can we take them down later?" Lizzie asked "I worked so hard to put them up." She looks at me with hope in her eyes. "Yeah sure, I don't mind."  I look at the Christmas lights. "They are pretty after all, just not prettier than you." I look at her, she blushes. "Oh please." "It's true!" We laugh.

And this is our place, we make the rules

As I'm about to leave set, Lizzie runs up to me "Y/n! Want to go get a coffee with me?" she asks, catching her breath. I stop and look at her "Oh, I uh- don't drink coffee." "Oh." She says, standing there awkwardly. I really don't enjoy coffee but a part of me wants to say yes just to spend time with her. "But I'll try some, for you."

And there's a dazzling haze,
a mysterious way about you dear

As we're drinking coffee, well more like she's drinking coffee since I didn't like mine, we learn that we have so much in common. We laugh as she says another joke, I honestly think I might die with all this laughing. I thought I did die for a moment, because her laugh sounds heavenly.

Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

"Babe! I'm going to buy some stuff now!" Lizzie says. As she's about to open the door to leave, she hears shuffling down the stairs. "Oh shit." I nearly trip, she looks at me in confusion. "Did I forget something?" she asks me, "Yeah, me." As I catch my breath from running down the stairs, I grab my coat and open the door for her "My lady." I bow. She laughs "You're coming with me?" I stand up straight and say "Well someone's gotta protect you when you go out, right?" She steps out the door, waiting for me to grab her hand. "Or do you just want to buy your snacks?" "Yep."

Can I go where you go?

Lizzie and I are cuddling while watching a movie. Lizzie stands up to get some more popcorn while I pause the movie and wait for her. While I'm waiting, I feel a bit cold. I miss her warmth and safety next to me. Once she comes back, I expect her to cuddle with me again. But instead, she just sits next to me. I look at her and since I have the remote, she looks at me and asks "Why aren't you playing the movie?" I frown. "Why aren't you cuddling me?" She laughs "Oh I see." She scoots closer to me and cuddles me, I smile and say "My teddy bear."

Can we always be this close forever and ever?

I usually am the one to drive but this time, Lizzie insisted she drives. "So, where are we going?" I ask, it's been 30 minutes and she still hasn't told me where we're going. "You'll see." I whine "But I wanna know!" She looks at me for a second, to keep her eyes on the road and says "Patience, darling.".

Take me out

There is a river just by our house but we only ever use it to swim or have a picnic. But when Lizzie brought me in the middle of the forest, I asked "So how are we gonna get home?" She looked at me and smiled "Follow me." I followed her and we ended up next to the river. Confused, I say "So, Aquaman's gonna bring us home?" She laughs "No!" She points at a small boat. Finally figuring it out, I gasp "This connects to the river back home?" She nods "Yep, figured we should have a boat date." She smiles. "What a wonderful way to go home"

Take me home

"Lizzie, what was that?" She looks at me "What was what?" I point back to where she was "That! The girl flirting with you and you didn't even do anything!" She laughs "Aw, are you jealous?" I cross my arms "How dare you accuse such thing!" She raises her eyebrows "But are you though?" I sigh, looking down "Maybe, a little." She laughs and grabs my face making me look at her, "You are adorable when you're jealous." I pout, Lizzie kisses my pout away and hugs me. I hug her back and say "You're mine."

You're my, my, my, my

Tonight, I'm going on my third date with Lizzie and wow I am nervous. Usually I wouldn't be because Lizzie is amazing company but tonight, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend. There's just something about her that captivates me. The way she smiles brighter than the sun, the way her emerald eyes looks at me, the way she laughs so angelically I get disappointed her laugh isn't on Spotify. After our wonderful date, I'm walking her home, telling jokes on the way. We fall into a comfortable silence, I think about how I should pop the question. "Here we are, I had a good time." She smiles at me, a smile at her back. "I had a good time too." I say, nervous about what I'm about to say next. "I wanted to ask you something." "Go ahead." She smiles. I take a deep breath "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" She smiles brightly at that. "I'd love to." I sigh in relief. She looks at me in the eyes, her eyes sparkling. Next thing I know, her lips are on mine. I feel like I'm in heaven, she pulls back and says "So long, girlfriend"


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