Chapter 1

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Just by looking at the weather, one would never have guessed that the fate of society, as the last generation had come to know it, was currently laying in the balance. The sun was shining bright with just a hand full of clouds in the sky, spending some nice shade. The green had finally returned to the trees and with it came birds, squirrels, butterflies and all kind of other wildlife, enjoying the early days of summer without a worry in the world.

When he peaked out of his window, Izuku wished he could be as laid back as them, but he had a couple of things on his mind that were definitely preventing that from happening. On top of the list: the aforementioned fate of society which accidentally, kinda, was mostly in his hands.

It had been a couple of weeks since he came back from his "stupidly thought through ego trip" as his mum had so adequately put it. And frankly; "coming back" was not really the right term to describe the events that had unfolded. It was more like he was dragged back by his classmates.

If it hadn't been for them he would most likely still be out there fighting by himself ...or he would be dead.

By this point Izuku was pretty much convinced that he made a horrible decision by leaving everybody behind after the catastrophic outcome of the war against the Pranormal Liberation Front. He only had the best intentions on his mind, but pushing his friends and family away had been unbelievably hard for him.

While the world was falling apart in front of his very eyes, with him desperately trying to hold the pieces together, he had lost himself. He could neither talk his plans and intentions over with Ida or Todoroki, nor could he get valued advice from the former number one hero and his idol since childhood, All Might, because he himself had pushed him away. He couldn't even get yelled at by Kachan to do better. Who would have guessed you could miss something like that?

Most importantly though, he couldn't even get the assurance he would normally seek in the deep brown eyes and captivating smile of his closest friend, and definitely not more, Ochako Uraraka. If Izuku was being honest to himself, he left UA primarily to put her out of harms way. There was no way he would be okay with her risking her life in a mythical conflict between the ultimate power of evil, embodied by the diabolical might that was All for One and its historical adversary, One for All.


He wanted her to be at a safe distance of the conflict. He wanted that for all of his loved ones! It was for the best and simply the right thing to do. At least, that's what he had thought at the time.

Izuku, currently laying in his comfortable bed at Troy, with all of his friends in a roughly 100 meter radius around him, sighted to himself.

That hadn't worked out the way he imagined it would.

Not only did his friends stop at literally nothing to get him to come back home (if he remembered correctly Todoroki hat tried to freeze him in an iceberg so big, it would have caused the Titanic to have a mental breakdown), he had also earned himself a heartfelt lecture from Kachan of all people!

And as if that was not enough, when they arrived back at UA Uraraka probably delivered the most heroic speech he had ever heard. When she started to defend him in front of all these strangers from the top of the UA Building, megaphone in hand and a passion in her voice that he had rarely heard before, something in him clicked. Even if he would try to once again solve the situation by himself, she would never stand for it, neither would his classmates. The result would be the same as before. She would come back for him no matter what.

The thought alone had made his heart race both out of fear for her safety and for another reason... affection maybe? Something like that. He wasn't sure. It was confusing.

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