Chapter 3

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He was such a coward.

She had been right there just a couple of meters in front of him and he didn't move a muscle.

He had probably even scared her off, judging by the speed she had, when she went to the elevator.

No, that was ridiculous. Uraraka wouldn't run away from him. She probably only had something really important to do upstairs.

But... she did avoid his look, didn't she?

Normally he loved looking into those big hazelnut-brown eyes of hers. The way they seemed to shine at him, instantly lifting his spirits and motivating him to giving it his all, regardless of what "it" was.

But he hadn't seen that look since her speech from atop UA.

"Should I go after her? No that would be inappropriate, she clearly had something on her mind. Oh, but what if I could help her out, doing whatever it is she needs to do? That's what a friend does right? Offering another friend his assistance? Or maybe I should leave her her space, being too intrusive wouldn't help Uraraka one bit. No. No I should just wait here until she returns. Then I can talk to her no problem. But maybe, when she returns I will be preoccupied, helping Ida with the organization. I could always take a break from that of course, but that wouldn't be very polite as well. I guess I could... no that wouldn't work, but then again..."

"I have to say Midoriya, I missed that muttering of yours. Ribbit"

Izuku nearly fell off of the kitchen stool he was sitting on at the moment. Catching himself at the last second.

"Asui! Where did you come from? Wasn't Kachan sitting next to me just a second ago?"

"How often do I have to tell you to call me Tsu? And Bakugo left a couple of minutes ago after you had already started talking to yourself. Judging by the face he made it was probably the main reason for why he left."

Tsu was eating a bowl of cereals by his side. Seemingly not being fazed by his muttering or by the fact that he had nearly fallen of the stool next to her.

"Oh. Hehe, right. That sounds plausible." Izuku rubbed the back of his head a bit as he replied.

"What is on your mind, that has you so spaced out Midoriya?" Tsu questioned, not even looking at him, instead still focused on eating her cereals.

"Wha- Oh its nothing. Just, you know, the upcoming battle and planning and stuff, I just have to be mentally ready for it."

"Of course, of course, so I take it you already know that you are teaming up with Ochako in the coming fight?" Tsu was now looking him straight in the eye.

"What? No. Why would you think that? I don't know more than the rest of you, so I wouldn't know how the teams are divided yet." He was confused. That statement came out of nowhere for him.

"Well, since you were thinking about the battle and the only thing I could clearly hear while you were talking to yourself was Ochako's name a couple of times, I figured you had to be on the same team. Or something of that sort." Tsu turned her head back to her bowl of cereal and continued eating.

Izuku felt the heat getting into his face. He needed to answer with a good explanation. One that would get him of the hook. Problem was: he just couldn't think of one.

So he just kind of looked at her with an open mouth.

After Tsu had noticed she wouldn't get a response to that, she tried to set his mind at ease. "Don't worry Midoriya. If you don't want to tell me what this was about, I wont pressure you. It's clearly something private."

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