Chapter 2

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When the alarm clock on her Flip phone went off at its usual time, Ochako had already been out of bed for quite a while.

This wasn't like her at all. Normally she had a very solid sleep. Sometimes she would even overdue it, struggling to get to class in time.

She would still make it, but Ida would lecture her all the same. "As a UA student it is imperative that we arrive at school not just in time, but even a solid amount of time before said time! It is a matter of determination!" he would tell her, and she would just smile at him and promise to do better in the future.

She couldn't help but snicker a bit to herself at the memory.

It had been like forever since something like that had happened though.

After the war, UA had put the hero courses at hold. It was just too dangerous. The blame for the catastrophic outcome of the war and the succeeding criminal uprisings around Japan... the teachers were simply needed elsewhere and could not provide a safe learning environment.

Ochako understood that. Hell, she had not only been on the frontline of the war, but she was also on the frontline in the aftermath of it! Trying to rescue as many people as she could.

Of course, this had been a challenging time, but what came after was much, much more challenging to her personally. The class was told to stay put in the dorms and not to assist in the pro's actions anymore.

And if doing nothing wouldn't have been bad enough, while she could only sit around and wait, HE had been out there risking his life and trying to fix everything! On his flipping own!

"Stupid, heroic, suicidal maniac..." she softly spoke into the morning air on the hill sight just a couple of meters away from Troy, where she was currently watching the sunrise, after she had shut down her annoying alarm.

What was he thinking? Trying to do everything by himself, when an entire armada of Pro-Heroes (including himself!) had not been able to fully stop the enemy before.

She had been so happy when he had finally woken up from his injuries. She had literally stormed into his hospital room, throwing herself at him when she looked into his big green eyes, that were open for the first time in almost a week.

The nurses had scolded her for that... rightfully so... he hadn't been fully healed yet.

She just couldn't help herself! He was finally back and she had missed him so much.

And then he left again.

Without a word.

Just an explanatory letter.

The thought alone was enough to make her angry again.

Hadn't they promised each other to act as a team? To grow stronger together? Did he have so little trust in her that he felt the need to sneak away?

She threw a rock of the cliff, but since she had subconsciously formed a fist before, it did not drop to the ground. Instead it kept on flying higher and higher into the air, courtesy of her quirk.

She didn't care though, she was lost in her thoughts.

It had taken months, MONTHS for her and the class to get a chance to bring him back.

She still could not believe, that he had actually fought his friends to keep them away. He had battled HER, to keep her away! To be alone...

Her eyes began to water, but in one quick motion she shed the tears away, not for the first time in the last couple of weeks.

But.. they had succeeded. They got him back. He was not alone anymore.

The whole operation and her little "talk" with the civilians at UA had exhausted her so much, she could have sworn she slept for a whole day after that.

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