Chapter 6

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"I should've just left after dinner." Ochako thought while she was trying to comprehend the scene that was unfolding before her eyes.

If she had left then she wouldn't have had a fight with Deku, which was horrible enough on its own. But furthermore, she wouldn't have had to deal with said boys idol since childhood, who was standing in between the elevator doors at the moment, looking at her with his deep sunken eyes.

They still had the same powerful expression, that they had at the start of the schoolyear, even though everything else about the physical appearance of the former symbol of peace had changed.

"Please young Uraraka. It will only take a minute, I guarantee."

"I- I don't know All Might, Sir, I really just want to got to bed, I had a rough day..." She really didn't want a lecture or anything right now, she just wanted to be alone.

"That is exactly the reason why I think it is important that we talk now. I would go so far as to say it could be vital for the outcome of the upcoming fight."

"Oh." Ochako was surprised, but that certainly got her attention. "Well... I cant really say no then, can I?"

"Thank you young Uraraka. We can talk on of the way to your room. That way you can still get to bed early if you like." All Might said with a small smile on his face.

He got in on the elevator and as soon as the doors had closed, he began talking again.

"Young Uraraka... first I fear I have to apologize to you."

Ochako just looked at him with a curious face.

"Apologize? For what?" She was confused.

She hadn't interacted with All Might all that much since he had gone on his mission with Deku. Not at all actually...

Now that she looked at him more closely, he seemed a bit... nervous?

"I have witnessed your dispute with young Midoriya just a couple of minutes ago." He admitted.

Ochako's mood changed in an instant.

"You- what? How? Were you following us?!" She was getting angry again. Twice in one evening. That was new for her.

"As I said, I'm terribly sorry. Young Midoriya had texted me this afternoon, asking me if I could have a talk with you, because he was suspecting that something might be wrong with your quirk."

"Huh?" Back to confusion it was for Ochako.

"He wrote something about you looking a bit pale and not feeling well, after a minor incident with Koda."

"Oh..." Now she understood for the most part. Deku had been so worried about her after their brief interaction this afternoon, that he tried to get help from his most trusted source...

Considering what had happened when he himself had tried to talk to her, that was... kind of considerate of him.

So, she had once again got him to focus on her wellbeing instead of his own.

"What is wrong with me?" She thought to herself.

Before the sadness could overwhelm her once more, she remembered that she still had a right to be angry here. And there even was a person she could let it out on.

"That doesn't explain why you overheard our private conversation though, does it?!"

All Might was a bit taken aback by her untypical demeanor.

She was too, sort of. The both of them never had a deep conversation before, but when they interacted, it was always in a respectful manner. He was the number one hero after all.

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