1: beauteous

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Beomgyu will never fall in love.

     It was a secluded promise to himself, one he held dearly. One he swore by. He found himself straying far from any possible romantic interests in fear that his idea would be disregarded.

     He didn’t have a fixed reason, though. It’s not that his parent had cut ties — they’re fine, really — and he hasn’t gone through a traumatic occurrence either.

     He has just gotten his heart broken one too many times. In a world like this, that could cost you more than just a few weeks of profound heartache.

     Beomgyu couldn’t perceive how some people could be so greedy and selfish, boasting their five full, gleaming hearts as they broke his dejected, limited ones.

     He, too, once had a full set, only for it to be corrupted so early on. His first love was deemed for failure. It was around the start of high school when he first fell in love with a girl a grade above his. She was stunning. He knew she would grow up with well-developed features that would have people drooling.

     When he confessed, he was ecstatic when she claimed she felt the same. He cherished her and thought they’d grow up as high school sweethearts— It was only appropriate since it was his first time being in love.

     Of course, things like that don’t last. She deserted him for another boy— a senior at that.

     That was when his first heart had dimmed.

It didn’t hurt physically. It never does. The day she left him, he spent the day sulking in his room, even crying a few times. What had he done wrong? Why did his chest ache at the thought of unwillingly messing up? Around one in the morning, he noticed the light leave the first of his hearts, gradually losing its raw glow. By the next day, the first heart had completely eclipsed amongst his collection.

     No matter, though. It was only one— one heart. He had four more and he was not going to stop there.

     He got over it quicker than he wanted, desperate to redeem himself. His second love was only a year after his first. Another girl, only this time in his grade. He was positive about this one. Being the hopeless romantic he was, he felt devoted to her. She had five full hearts. They were content together, it was the perfect combination. He met her parents countless times and was happy with what they had.

     Until a year into their relationship, she told him she had to move away. She told him she couldn’t bear long-distance relationships, leaving him with nothing but a distant memory.

His second heart had dimmed to an ash grey that night.

     When he went to visit her one last time at the airport, he easily noticed that she still had all five hearts. She wasn’t heartbroken like he was. She never loved him as he did her.

     Three left. Still okay. He’s still hanging on.

     Around his senior year of high school, he decided he would experiment a little and explore his sexuality. Luckily for him, a lively boy caught his eye and Beomgyu found himself involved, yet again. He tried not to fall for the boy, noticing how much he was at risk if the boy hurt him.

     The boy had five hearts, giving him unwanted memories. He kept falling for the ones with too many hearts to spare. He felt anxious about his own, usually covering his three remaining hearts.

     Beomgyu kept the feeling to himself, afraid of truly coming out. He and the boy hung out and became insanely close, emphasising his feelings.

     Eventually, after a few months of pining, he confessed.

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