3: viligance

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     There isn’t really a tour committee, is there?

     Beomgyu’s train of thoughts came to an abrupt halt at the question, rendering him thoroughly speechless. His eyes widened at the inquisition, lips parting in an attempt to speak an excuse. He felt like he was tumbling down the mountain on progress he’d made, all his attempts washed away just like that.

     What now?

     The claim that he was on the supposed tour committee was spoken on a whim, no extra through given when he faced Taehyun for the first time. He was so determined to put his plan into action as soon as possible. He hadn’t given himself the time he needed to conceive of a plausible excuse, leading him to where he was now. Stuck.

     Taehyun watched him expectantly, doe eyes boring straight at him. When he noticed Beomgyu’s troubled state, a smirk compelled its way onto his lips. He knew he was right. There’d be no use in trying to lie again. With the way Taehyun peered at him smugly, Beomgyu was sure he was confident with his inquiry.

     Still, he didn’t look necessarily mad.

     “What?” Beomgyu belatedly uttered, mustering whatever came to his head first. He felt on the spot with the amount of attention Taehyun was giving him. He began fidgeting with his fingers under the table, rummaging through his thoughts to make him seem less like an idiot.

     But, really, that’s what he was at this moment. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

     “The tour committee for the university?” Taehyun repeated himself comfortably, leaning forward on the table as he grilled Beomgyu. “It doesn’t actually exist, does it?”

     Alarms were being set off in Beomgyu’s head. Was this really the end of his short-lived game? Just like that, Soobin had won fifty dollars over Beomgyu. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to genuinely know Taehyun and lure him. Within a few days, not even a full week, he’d lost.

     It was that simple.

     “Uh,” Beomgyu blanked, dodging his gaze as he gave in, “no. It doesn’t.”

     Taehyun hummed, sinking back into his seat. “Thought so.”

     “How did you know?” Beomgyu queried. What’s he got to lose?

     “People tend to research the colleges they attend, hyung,” Taehyun narrated him simply with a matter of factly tone. He didn’t seem phased by the lie, though. Something about him was completely off in this situation, as if he’d encountered something like this, someone lying to him, before.

     “Ah,” Beomgyu nodded. He wondered if he should’ve gotten up and left. Maybe he would call Soobin to let him know he’d pay him by the end of the week.

     “I checked the official website and there was nothing about a tour,” Taehyun further revealed. “Then, I asked Soobin-ssi yesterday after our class. He had no idea about a tour committee and when I told him you were part of it he said you made it up.”

     Beomgyu felt his mood cloud at that. As if heavy rainfall was pelting down onto his state and driving him down. Of course, Soobin had a part in this. They hadn’t set any rules for the bet. He could sabotage Beomgyu in any way with no malicious feelings.

     Only, Beomgyu wasn’t as mad as he should’ve been. It was reasonable and he didn’t give it as much thought. What he did focus on was Taehyun.

     The boy was watching Beomgyu with an amused face, not one of hatred, resentment, or hurt. His expression was deadly neutral as if he found the situation rather amusing to begin with instead of undergoing any sort of suspicion. He had his lips in a small, playful smile and his eyes were soft.

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