Chapter 2: The Master Plan

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"That should do it," Gnomeo said before giving the red mower one final test crank.

The sun was already beginning to set but the mower was finally fixed. In his defense, Gnomeo had encountered many hack jobs that needed fixing along the way.

"We've done it, Benny. Although we could have fixed it twice as fast if we'd had Juliet's help..."

Once again, Juliet had become wrapped up in some "extremely urgent gardening work."

Benny scoffed. "Yeah right. You'd be too busy making goo-goo eyes to even look at the mower."

Gnomeo wanted to deny it, but he couldn't say that Benny was completely wrong.

"By the way," Benny added, "Fawn's going to teach me how to play poker tonight. You should join us."

"No thanks, Benny. I've got a date."

While being hemmed up under the lawnmower, Gnomeo created a master plan: he'd take Juliet romancing outside of the garden. If they left at night, no one would even notice they were gone... except for Lord Redbrick. That was the plan's one flaw, but luckily, he'd found a solution. Now all he needed was some help, but from whom? Shroom would be most reliable, but his limited communication would make it hard for him to do the job. Benny might work, but he's terrible at keeping secrets. Featherstone's even worse at keeping secrets. Tybalt? Never in a million years. That left Nanette.

Trying to look as nonchalant as possible, Gnomeo made his way across the empty yard to where Nanette was currently drenching herself in water from the hose spigot.

"Gnomeo, would you please remind your mom about my pond?" She motioned to the empty hole in the yard. "I'm a frog. I need water!"

"Sure thing." Gnomeo considered that Nanette was, of course, not a real frog, but she was a fountain so he guessed it checked out.

Once the frog was drenched to her liking, she called to Larry, the water spout gnome, to turn off the water and turned her attention to Gnomeo. "What's up?"

"Nanette, can I ask you for a favor?" Gnomeo said as he led her to a less inhabited part of the garden.

"I'm listening..."

"Well it's just Juliet and I-"

The frog squealed with excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm in! How I've missed being wrapped up in your secret love affair. It was so exciting! What do you need?"

"I need you to lull Lord Redbrick to sleep."

"But he doesn't sleep."

"Exactly. That's why I need you. I'd be too suspicious if I did it myself. Just keep his attention and hold a really boring conversation or something."

"I've got you covered, loverboy."

Once the sun went down, the garden leaders called it a day, and Lord Redbrick returned to his spot in the garden, Gnomeo watched in confusion as Nenett went to work. First, his accomplice found a wooden plank. Next, she began wrapping one end in landscaping fabric and then began creeping up on Lord Redbrick. By the time Gnomeo realized what she was doing, it was too late- WHAM! Nanette knocked Lord Redbrick unconscious. Luckily the padded weapon didn't make too loud of a sound and no one seemed to be watching, but Nanette didn't stop there. She proceeded to move her victim's limp body into a position that looked like he had fallen asleep naturally. Once she was satisfied, she turned to Gnomeo and gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

Gnomeo decided to act fast and ran to Juliet.

"Juliet, come with me."

"What? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Shroom, I need you to cover for me." Gnomeo was giddy with excitement.

The fungi nodded his head, and with that, the couple was off.

Aside from Nanette's crude methods, Gnomeo's plan was coming along perfectly, or so he thought...

His attention being grabbed by the sound of the gate opening, Tybalt caught a glimpse of Gnomeo and Juliet sneaking out of the garden.

"Fawn, I think I've just found us a little fun."

"Ehhhh. No thanks. I've got plans" Fawn said as he set up the card table.

"You don't understand. I just saw Gnomeo and Juliet-"

"Hey, Benny. Did you bring your change?"

"Every penny." The small gnome said while taking a seat.

Fawn had never treated Tybalt like this before; just totally ignoring his authority.

"Fawn! I'm not asking you. I'm telling you-"

"What? Are you too scared to go on your own? Scared you'll get smashed again?"

Tybalt was completely taken back, causing everyone at the table to laugh and Tybalt to storm off in a fit of rage.

Note: Sorry for uploading such a short chapter. I want the next part to be a chapter on its own.

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