Et tu, Brute?

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The arrow... it's nothing like we've ever seen before... it's made out of high carbon fibers...

All T-Dolls aren't trained to use bows. Most of them probably don't even know how to use one...

The assassin must have been a human one or at least a veteran T-Doll that went missing long ago who could have enough time to use such weapons to survive... there are no other explanations for this anomaly.

But the assassin is most likely not human. The accuracy is too inhumane... like a machine designed for killing.

Suddenly there was knocking at my door.

?: come in.

A female figure entered the room.

?2: sir! We found something in the archives that could interest you.

?: is that so? Then give it to me.

She approached me and gave me a file. I opened it and saw a picture of some kind of compound bow.

?: you're dismissed.

?2: yes sir!

She left the room and I was alone again.

Project „Predator"... these are reports of a bow being build. A high velocity silent killer... enough kinetic energy to kill a rhino...

That must be the weapon that was used to kill the Griffin Commander...

I have to look further into that. Find out where the weapon was built and who it has now...

We will find you...

Hank POV

I opened my eyes and I was sitting under a tree. The shades felt relaxing... something is wrong about this... why does this feel so different?

I looked around and saw that instead of a dark room, I was on a cliff and a sunset was in the distance...

Some may call this sight beautiful... but I just feel out of place... it's like Nevada before the sun was killed...

I inspected my surroundings further but nothing strange was in sight... just me and the cliff... not even Wank or Jack were here...

What is happening?

I approached the cliff and sat down on the edge. I then looked at the sunset. Something about this is wrong... why is this happening? What is happening?

Someone behind me slowly approached me and then sat down next to me.

It was Jack.

Jack: beautiful isn't it?

H: what is this?

Jack: a cliff with a sunset you muppet.

H: no. Why is this? Where are the dark rooms I know?

Jack: someone brought life into your sorry soul. Maybe you finally got your second chance...

A second figure came to us and sat down next to me.

Wank: this is... strange...

H: confused too?

Wank: this is something I've never experienced when I first got into your head. It feels strange and wrong...

H: The second chance... a new life that doesn't consist of suffering and pain... do I even deserve that?

Wank: with all the things we've done... this seems to good to be true...

Madness on the Frontline (Girls frontline x madness combat)Where stories live. Discover now