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Name: Y/n L/n
Hair: Crimson red
Eyes: Dark red.
Height: Optional
Likes: Nature, Freedom, Samurai, Swordman ship, Wise people, Unique people, People who understand him or others, Animals, Drawing, Anime/Manga, Any food with rice. Analyzing people and deep and complex things.

Dislikes: Isolation, arrogant people, manipulative people, drama, people who take advantages of others, being forced to talk, noisy people, war, being considered evil and chaos.

Race: Human/Dragon/ Demon.


Shinku no Tsumibukai: The sword of tenshin that was entrusted to him. It's a crimson blade that is the vessel of the dragons and demons inside him. It uses dragonic and demonic energy. It's also a sword able to cut through anything depending on the user.


Demonic power:

soul manipulation: he can take the souls from others except spirits due to their powerful wills. Anything beyond human is resistant to this ability unless killed.

demonic flames: crimson and dark flames that heats up over time.

Dragonic power:

Dragon agility: in terms of pure strength and agility, Y/n's dragon abilities surpass those of his demon's abilities.

Dragon flight: He can fly without becoming a dragon and can mimic the dragon's flight in a human body.

Dragon eyes: When he unleashes the dragon power, his eyes turns into red serpentine eyes.

Reality bending: By it's immense power, the dragon's power and presence allows Y/n to bend reality with either his body or simply adding his other abilities.


Dragon form: Just like the soaring dragon, Y/n becomes a dragon and has the abilities of the soaring dragon.

Demon form: His body shows a red mark and some demonic scales just like a demon. It is inferior to the dragon form in power but survival wise is more unpredictable.

Demonic dragon form: Y/n unleashes his full power at one and becomes a humanoid, demonic dragon.

(Note: Y/n cannot seal spirits because he isn't one but he has a power rivalling spirits).



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