How You Met ~ Goes Wrong Show

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Chris- You were quietly glancing over the many books in the Cornley library when one suddenly fell and narrowly missed your head. After looking around in confusion for a few seconds, you looked up and saw a very handsome man looking down at you, frantically apologising. He explained that he was just trying to put a book back when the one behind it was shoved out. Stammering awkwardly, he offered to buy you a coffee as an apology. You were so smitten by him, you didn't mention that the book had never even touched you.

Robert- You had signed up for an acting Masterclass with Mr Grove and to be honest, you weren't sure it was worth the money. He had arrived 30 minutes late, was more interested in his own projects than his paying students and was shouting at you for every minor thing. After an hour, you were collecting your stuff to leave when he called you back. Expecting to be yelled at again, you ignored him. Surprisingly, instead of passionately screaming at you, he went on to say you're one of the least irritating actors he's ever worked with and if you'd be interested in joining a drama company he worked for which apparently was 'starved of talent'. A bit taken back, you agreed... especially since it was your first real gig.

Dennis- You were casually walking around Cornley park when you saw a young man trying to catch a pigeon (and failing miserably). Curious, you decided to approach him and ask what on Earth he was trying to do. He very calmly explained that he was merely doing a study of the bird to prepare for a role. Despite his childish demeanor, you were charmed by how sweet and genuine he was and were thinking about him long after you'd left the park (Dennis didn't leave the park until midnight and only because a pigeon bit him and he went home to grab a plaster)

Max- It was late on the Underground and you had barely reached the train home. There was no one else in your compartment except for this young man staring dreamily into space. You sat opposite him, almost daring yourself to not make awkward eye contact. However when you did, he just gave you the brightest smile you had ever seen. You spent the rest of the ride home chatting and laughing with each other as if you'd been friends for years.

Jonathan- Your new job as a stage manager had been pretty uneventful until the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society arrived. From wardrobe malfunctions to pretty severe injuries, your day was choc-a-bloc with issues. However, the most intriguing one was the case of Jonathan Harris: The man who couldn't open doors. Soon enough, your main priority was to be his own personal door opener so he would stop being late to everything. Though he didn't say anything to you, whenever he passed, he would give you a massive smile.

Trevor- Working as an executive producer was a huge deal for you, even if it was only for a Christmas Carol-themed special. Your envisioned day of work was immediately shattered once the BBC was hijacked by a random theatre company. Though confused and honestly, a little frightened, you still decided to do the best work you could do, for a job was a job. Trevor, the stage manager, was surprisingly chill and you two got on really well. After the special had been filmed, phone numbers were switched and coffee dates were made.

Howdy! Georgie here! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave requests for themes and other stuff!
Love you all!

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