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didnt reach my goal last chapter but thats alright


present day (2015)

Zayn scribbled down barely legible notes onto his paper as his teacher spoke at a pace that was completely not understandable. Something about adverbs and adjectives. Frankly, Zayn didn't care.

He eventually gave up on taking notes and ventured off into his own world.

He thought about the Borden murder. How on Earth did Lizzie not get caught? Was there no reciept or record of her buying the ax? Maybe it was her father's ax? It's much harder to get away with crime this day, so Zayn would have to work carefully.

Letting the matter go seems like the best choice, but really, who lives to make right choices? These people are getting what they deserve.

"Mr. Malik you are not taking notes you have a lunch detention. Adjectives describe-" Zayn groans as Mr. Please-Let-Me-Jump-The-Window keeps talking. Lunch detention takes place in the library. It smells like old women and mothballs (technically the same smell) in there.

He sighs and stares out the window until the bell rings for lunch.

Zayn usually doesn't mind detentions. Other than the awful smell, the library is quite relaxing. But today he's not the only one who got a detention. The person he absolutely can't stand got detention too.

He's a nice person, he really is. Doesn't hate a lot of people. But this one guy will talk Zayn's ear off and it's painful. Why he talks to Zayn? He doesn't know. It's not like there's a thousand other people in the school.

"Hey Zayn!" he chirps as soon as Zayn takes a seat at a table in the far back. He was trying to hide, but that obviously didn't work.

"Were you following me?" he groans.

"Well I didn't want to sit alone and you're the only person in here I know, other than myself of course, but talking to myself isn't something I fancy doing. Anyway, how's your day going? Other than the fact that you got detention, worst part of the day is my guess. Have you heard they're going to start serving tacos in the cafeteria every day instead of Tuesdays now? That's pretty cool isn't it? I mean I'm not exactly a fan of tacos, but it's always nice to ask, right? Because you may like tacos and that's a nice thing to learn about y-"

"Liam." Zayn sighs, "Why?"

Liam looks at Zayn with wide brown eyes and a furrowed brow, "Why what?"

Zayn crosses his arms on the table and lies his head on top of them, "Why must you speak to me?"

"I dunno," Liam shrugs, "I guess I just really want to be friends with you. You seem so calm and nice."

And Zayn almost feels bad for being so rude to the boy. Almost.

He does try to be easier on him, though, "Fine, but could you maybe... not ramble so much?"

Liam grins so hard Zayn thinks his face will split in half and fall to the floor. He won't be cleaning that up.

"Of course! I'll do anything to make you happy, because that's what friends do. They make each other happy. We are friends, right? I'd like to think so. Wow. A friend. This is so-"

"Liam." Zayn says sternly.



Zayn hums quietly to himself and scrolls through facebook. So far he has found four of the schools that his... peers from the past attend. He's not having much luck with finding the rest.

"C'mon. I know it's somewhere." he looks through a few more profiles before giving up for the night.

He looks down at where he's written the names and the schools and smirks, "Karma's a bitch."

To do:

Mary Jones - **** highschool

Jackson Mitchell - ****** highschool

Andrew Mitchell - ****** highschool

Livingston Odom - ******* highschool

632 words

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