terrence mckenna

9 3 0

Beautiful bliss -
Of knowledge poured in my eyes,
From the gods of the earth -
Gods of the stars

The divine plants,
From the ground they sprout,
The heathens never know,
True in soul the secrets we know.

Art beyond my years,
I was blessed with behind this high,
The colours spoke, with these words,
I preach, the truth, society is a conformity.


We talk silence,
The walls falls, the pretence goes,
My soul ripped in pieces,
The colours dance.

The winds talk,
Headed west they say,
Welcome to the dip the birds sing,
Diving between her legs, lost in oblivion.

Beautiful fire,
My body burns with her touch,
Your voice moistures my brain,
Swimming in your imagination.

Your lips,
So sweet, lost in translation,
My brain warps in your intelligence,
Beautiful sight, the unknown unwraps -

Before my eyes,
Turtles swim, tigers roar,
Your finger touch my back,
Trees swing, insects talk.


Lost child,
Welcome to the horizon,
Beautiful imagination as told before,
Experience the love and expansion of your mind ...

Child of the odessey,
You are not lost, you found your place,
Don't struggle to fit in.

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